State renewable schemes distorting the NEM, says Josh Frydenberg

Victorian Energy Minister Lily D'Ambrosio, who will travel to Latrobe Valley again on Monday to talk to community ...
Victorian Energy Minister Lily D'Ambrosio, who will travel to Latrobe Valley again on Monday to talk to community leaders, said they had been advised by the operator of Hazelwood that no final decision had been made on the future of the plant. Chris Hopkins

Federal Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg says state renewable schemes are distorting the market, leading to decisions such as the closure of the Hazelwood power station in Victoria.

French energy giant Engie and the Victorian government have played down media reports the 1600 megawatt power station is to close down as early as April next year, but the closure has put the spotlight on the fast-changing dynamics of the market as fossil fuel is replaced by renewable energy.

A final decision on Hazelwood may be made as soon as next month.

The potential closure of the Hazelwood "dirty" brown coal power station will have major ramifications, including pushing up power prices as high as 25 per cent, according to energy experts.

The Turnbull government is closely watching developments as the fall-out from the potential closure of Hazelwood is likely to have ripple effect, especially in South Australia, which receives its surplus power from Victoria and which experienced huge price spikes in July.

Mr Frydenberg said the future of Hazelwood was a commercial decision.

"The federal government's priority is stability in the National Electricity Market and ensuring affordable electricity to households and businesses alike, while acknowledging Australia is moving to a lower emissions future," Mr Frydenberg told The Australian Financial Review.

But he did take aim at state-based renewable schemes, including the Victorian government's decision to set a target of 40 per cent renewables by 2025. It's current renewables uptake is 12 per cent.

"Having different state and federal-based renewable energy targets is a barrier to optimal outcomes because it skews investment in an inefficient way," he said.

The last Council of Australian Governments energy meeting in August agreed to look into the costs of state-based renewable energy schemes that come on top of the national target to reduce emissions by 26 to 28 per cent by 2030.

Victorian Energy Minister Lily D'Ambrosio, who will travel to Latrobe Valley again on Monday to talk to community leaders, said the government had been advised by the operator of Hazelwood that no final decision had been made on its future.

The Victorian government has committed to an assistance package to help with the potential loss of 1000 jobs from the Hazelwood closure.

The removal of Hazelwood's output from Victoria's generation capacity was likely to push up power prices, according to Grattan Institute's energy program director Tony Wood.

"You can't keep taking gas and coal-fired power out and putting in new gas and renewables," Mr Wood said. "At some point prices go up. That's the sheer reality of it."

He said although there would still be an over-supply of electricity in the NEM if Hazelwood was shut down, it would affect the balance of supply and demand in the NEM, especially in south-east Australia.

"This just proves we have to get on top of this," he said. "We need to work out climate change policy first, then the NEM because, otherwise, we are going to have all this on-going uncertainty."

Australian National University Associate Professor Frank Jotzo – who last year recommended a scheme whereby other power generators paid for the removal of dirtier, older plants – said the likely closure of Hazelwood was a long time coming.

"Hazelwood closing is unavoidable," Professor Jotzo said. "It's a very old plant, which accounts for 3 per cent of Australia's national carbon emissions, but it is low-hanging fruit."

But Professor Jotzo, who is the director of the Centre for Climate Economics and Policy at the ANU, said a phased withdrawal of older brown and black coal power plants using a formal industry process would be preferable to the sudden closure of facilities such as Hazelwood.

"You could argue that paying for closure was now not necessary, but a formal process would have allowed a more predictable timeline for closure and there would have been adequate money from an industry pool for site rehabilitation and potentially for structural adjustment measures as well," he said.

Professor Jotzo said retail power price rises from the closure of Hazelwood would be less than 2 per cent.