PM Malcolm Turnbull tells states to abandon renewable targets

Why did South Australia black out?

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has used the South Australian power crisis to call on state governments to cut their ambitious renewable energy targets in half and adopt the national target or risk further serious power network failures.

As South Australia deals with the fallout from its state-wide blackout on Wednesday afternoon, the Australian Energy Market Operator has warned the state could be plunged back into darkness again if more destructive weather hits the state's vulnerable electricity network.

Authorities were restoring power to 70,000 homes and business in South Australia on Thursday, but, with the backbone of the state's energy network damaged in Wednesday's super storm, there are fears of more blackouts until the electricity towers and transmission lines are rebuilt.

Mr Turnbull said state Labor governments in SA, Victoria and Queensland had set "extremely aggressive, extremely unrealistic" renewable targets which were more ideological statements rather than realistic policy. He said he wanted a new unified national renewables target which would bring the state schemes – to be about 50 per cent by 2030 – in line with the national target of 23.5 by 2020.

"A number of the state Labor governments have over the years set priorities and renewable targets that are extremely aggressive, extremely unrealistic, and have paid little or no attention to energy security. This is not just focused on SA but the same observation can be made about Queensland or indeed Victoria," he said.

"The state-based targets, some of which are completely unrealistic. Queensland, for example, has 50 per cent renewable target currently, renewables are about 4.5 per cent of their mix. So what's the pathway to achieve that? Very hard to see it. It's a political or ideological statement."

AEMO chief operating officer Mike Cleary said the "tripping" of SA's power network – which disconnected itself from the rest of the country – had not happened in the state since the introduction of the National Electricity Market in 1998.

A preliminary assessment of SA's power blackout found the storm super cells, which included winds of up to 140km/h, took out four long-distance transmission lines and 20-plus towers, north of Adelaide. But the big mystery remains of the "cascading failure" of the SA network which effectively disconnected itself from the NEM to protect itself.

SA has been "islanded" from the NEM nine times including most recently in November last year – when the interconnectors with Victoria went down – but Wednesday's "system black" was the first time the state's network had shut itself down.

"The isolation from the NEM normally means interconnectors are constrained or not working," Mr Cleary said in an interview with The Australian Financial Review.

"In this situation, we had massive damage to transmission and distribution lines which resulted in the system failing. It is the first system black we've had in SA."

Black system events are rare, but have happened before. It happened in North Queensland in 2009 and before then in NSW in 1964.

Mr Cleary said the SA system "trip" – which essentially works the same way a home's power shuts off if an electrical appliance short-circuits – was not the result of the state's energy mix which is made up of about 40 per cent renewable energy.

"I've been doing this for 35 years and this has nothing to do with the generation mix. It was the result of a severe weather event," he said.

But serious questions have been raised about the resilience of SA's energy mix, with Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg saying his priority was ensuring energy security across the NEM.

After it has restored power to SA's homes and businesses, AEMO will conduct a review of the state's power failure while the Weatherill government is expected to conduct his own.

But Mr Turnbull and Mr Frydenberg took aim at state-based renewable schemes saying they were distorting the NEM, while Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce and South Australian Senator Nick Xenophon went further and directly blamed wind power.

State Labor governments have set ambitious renewable energy targets in South Australia (50 per cent by 2030), Victoria (40 per cent by 2025) and Queensland (50 per cent by 2030) which operate in conjunction with the national target of 23.5 per cent by 2020.

While they stopped short of calling for setting a new national Renewable Energy Target – which was only revised by the former Abbott government in 2015 – the Turnbull government wants state schemes to be pared back to be in line with the national target.

Mr Frydenberg said harmonisation of renewables target will be the priority of an upcoming meeting of state energy ministers dealing with the fallout from the SA power crisis.

"This will be a priority for us at the upcoming COAG energy council as to whether we can harmonise across the state and the Commonwealth a single Renewable Energy Target going forward," he said.

Mr Turnbull said South Australia's reliance on renewable energy –- highlighted most recently in July when prices skyrocketed after the Heywood interconnector with Victoria was down for maintenance and SA's wind and solar could not supply the state – put pressure on the rest of the grid.

South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill hit back at criticism from Mr Joyce and Senator Xenophon, saying the same blackout could have occurred had there been more base load power.

"This is a weather event, not a renewable energy event," he said. "Of course there are elements that have not worked perfectly but we will learn from this."

Grattan Institute's energy program director Tony Wood said while a storm event caused major damage to SA's power network it was still a concern it shut down the state's entire power network.

"The question we should be focusing on is this was a service failure on the spine of the transmission network in SA, but why has it cascaded to the rest of the state?" he said.

"You would have thought it would have been contained. That's where the focus and attention should be."But Mr Wood said the Turnbull government needed to have a genuine national approach to climate change to deal with the phasing out of coal-fired power and the rise of renewable energy.