Vics double down on batteries as states hit back

Victorian Energy Minister Lily D'Ambrosio, left, is on the renewable energy bus but also wants energy security.
Victorian Energy Minister Lily D'Ambrosio, left, is on the renewable energy bus but also wants energy security. Angela Milne

Victoria will prioritise batteries and other grid-stabilising technologies in its ambitious renewable energy rollout, the state's Energy Minister Lily d'Ambrosio says.

The move is a response to the electricity network volatility that has hit South Australia as the state's 40 per cent renewable energy share has forced its the last coal-fired power station – Northern – out of service.

Ms d'Ambrosio said energy security was a feature of the Victorian renewables policy. "We want to consider seriously and provide weighting to projects that add to system stability and new technologies that could be complementary to the actual generation," she said. 

"Energy storage is one of those features that we'll be encouraging and looking for from proponents."

Victoria and Queensland have been slammed by Turnbull government ministers for following SA's renewables plunge with their own ambitious 50 per cent targets by 2030.

ElectraNet, South Australia's transmission monopoly, said in a report in August it had had to install a switch to cut off the state's north – including BHP Billiton's Olympic Dam mine and Oz Minerals' Prominent Hill mine – to protect the grid after Northern's closure because of possible "voltage collapses".

Such imbalances between demand and supply could occur if any of the four main 275-kilovolt transmission lines running between Port Augusta and Adelaide were cut and – if unchecked – could cause widespread blackouts in the north. 

Northern had played an important role in voltage control that could not be met by wind power and its closure created "challenges" for network voltage control, the report said. Permanent fixes would cost between $30 million-$100 million. 

In last week's blackout, three of the four 275kV lines were cut by storm damage, causing the state's entire network to "go black" to avoid even worse damage. Olympic Dam and Prominent Hill are still without power, along with Arrium's Whyalla steelworks.

Queensland  Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk is stcking to her guns on renewable energy.
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk is stcking to her guns on renewable energy. Glenn Hunt

Ms d'Ambrosio and Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk are sticking to their guns on renewables.

Ms d'Ambrosio said she was expecting a "change of heart" from the Turnbull government at Friday's meeting of energy ministers and greater urgency from the Australian Energy Markets Commission about redrawing the rules of the electricity market to accommodate renewable energy and more technology. 

Ms Palaszczuk said coal-rich Queensland was committed to its 50 per cent renewables target although she said it was "aspirational" and wouldn't be legislated like the Victorian target.

She said state Labor governments in Victoria, South Australia and Queensland had been forced to set their own targets because of a failure of climate policy on a national level.

The Turnbull government is trying to force states to pare back their renewables targets in line with the national target of 23.5 per cent by 2020.

But Ms Palaszczuk said, "If governments don't set targets you've got nothing to aim for. No, we'll keep our target and we'll work towards it. The whole world is going this way, we are not unique in this. 

"We'll meet the targets by encouraging more uptake of solar and we've got battery storage coming. It doesn't mean they can exist on their own without coal-fired power, we can have a combination of the two. That's what Queenslanders want."

The Palaszczuk government is close to releasing the findings of its renewable energy target expert panel, which will chart a path towards Queensland meeting its ambitious targets.

 It remains unclear whether Queensland will adopt a "reverse auction" process like the ACT and Victoria to meet the 50 per cent by 2030 target.

In Victoria, companies will bid for large-scale solar or wind projects with long-term contracts awarded to those demonstrating the best value for money. The scheme to encourage 5400 megawatts of new renewable projects is open for consultation.