Aussie entrepreneurs fighting powerful hidden forces

Any budding entrepreneur, whether they are a Millennial or not, needs the determination of a marathon runner to get past ...
Any budding entrepreneur, whether they are a Millennial or not, needs the determination of a marathon runner to get past council planning departments. David Rowe

When negative comments about Millennials by American management guru Simon Sinek were aired this week in Chanticleer one reader in his early twenties came back with a response that will resonate with budding entrepreneurs from Sydney to Perth.

"Millennials are growing up in a world where they realise that anything is possible," he said.

"They've seen industries shaken up by new ideas and innovation and know there is potential to do things on their own and be successful.

"I think that also plays into the disillusionment with working for big, established firms and climbing the corporate ladder.

Management guru Simon Sinek laments the fate of Millennials and says corporations have a duty to help them.
Management guru Simon Sinek laments the fate of Millennials and says corporations have a duty to help them. David Rowe

"It is easier now than ever to work for yourself and start your own business and that is the dream.

"It isn't the dream anymore to be a CEO or sit in the board room of an existing firm - it's to create something yourself."

It is admirable that someone should be brimming with so much optimism and hope.

But this idealistic view of the world needs to be tempered by the reality that anyone who wants to start their own business in Australia must navigate their way through a thicket of regulations.

These regulations are overseen by bureaucrats with little if any understanding of commerce.

Chanticleer has two contemporary case studies that show that any budding entrepreneur, whether they are a Millennial or not, needs the determination of a marathon runner to get past council planning departments.

These examples are from Sydney and Melbourne and both relate to relatively simple applications to open cafes.

The Sydney case study involves Geoff and Kristy Bannister who started their working lives at about age 16 and 17 at the McDonalds fast food chain.

They decided in 2016 to open their own café in Harris St, Pyrmont. Their expectation was that the approval process at the City of Sydney council would, at worst, take about six months.

They told Chanticleer that in fact it took 10 months even though they employed experts to advise them all the way through the approval process.

Geoff Bannister said he employed a town planner who had previously worked at the council and an architect to ensure that the application was in keeping with council requirements.

However, this really did not speed up the passage of the application through the council's bureaucratic maze.

The couple believe it was the best way to go about the application but it meant that the cost of setting up the business was much higher than if they had done it themselves.

About 30 to 40 per cent of the cost of setting up the business was consumed in fees and charges paid to get the necessary approvals.

The building chosen by the couple is a heritage building. That appeared to divert the application off into a part of the council for a very long time.

The building had previously been used for retail purposes but that did not help to speed up the application process.

The first contact the Bannisters had with the council was in February last year. They were only able to open the café, called Mug Life, in January this year.

The couple were fortunate that disruptive technology was available to provide them with cash flow while they waited for the council to approve their application.

The concept for their café included the sale of their own branded donuts called Dr Dough. They had expected to sell about 20 of these a day.

But thanks to Uber Eats, the couple were able to start selling reasonably large quantities of donuts before the café opened.

They are now selling between 300 and 400 donuts a day thanks to the addition of the Uber Eats distribution channel.

A spokesperson for the City of Sydney said it received a development application for a café at Mug Life café May 6 last year and approved it on June 14, which is about five weeks to process it.

The spokesperson said the City received a Section 96 application to modify the conditions of consent for the approved development application which was submitted on August 1 and this was approved with conditions on August 19. That is an 18 day processing period.

But Bannister says these bald facts don't take account of the conditions that are imposed upon the applicant. He chose to get a private certifier who was constantly going back to council to check whether the conditions had been met.

While the City of Sydney says it ensures that development applications are finalised in a timely manner and that it works with applicants to ensure that acceptable outcomes are reached, the fact is that an entrepreneurial couple spent almost a year from go to woe.

One unfortunate side effect of the time taken was that the two were forced to leave their place of employment when the national fast food company found out they would be potential competitors.

The second case study is in Melbourne where a small business owner in the City of Port Phillip had an extraordinarily difficult experience getting approval to open a café.

The owner of the business, who does not wish to be named, said he had hoped to be open for the summer of 2015-2016.

Instead it took six months to approve his application. A promised six week period for approval of a footpath permit took three months.

During his approval process, the small business owner found the staff at the council decent people but the multiple approval processes made the entire exercise complicated. Also, it was necessary to keep escalating the issue to get action.

At one stage, when his bank was putting him under pressure because of the five months delay in opening the café, the small business owner told a council officer that if the approvals were not given soon he would need to refinance.

The council officer told him to refinance the loan.

A spokesperson for Port Phillip Council said the council greatly values the benefits small businesses bring to the vibrancy and economy of the City.

"Our support includes Council's City Business Unit offering advice and a range of business related programs to all small businesses in Port Phillip. We also try to support business by a timely turnaround in evaluating permit applications."