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Fri January 13, 2017
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Person with a gun demands chicken nugget from girl. Fark: Suspect is 12
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(Daily Mail)
Remember when they dressed up Andre the Giant as the Dread Pirate Roberts in The Princess Bride? This is kind of like that, but in Pakistan
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Photoshop this turtle
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(ABC7 San Francisco)
Train With a Capital T
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(KETV Omaha)
Employee shot in Nebraska Furniture Mart parking lot. Police quickly gave chaise
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Russian journalist sends advice to American colleagues:"You've just covered your first press conference of an authoritarian leader with a massive ego and deep disdain for your trade and your values. We in Russia have been doing it for 12 years now"
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South Africa looks for harsh new punishments it can sentence drunk drivers to: "The transport minister recently suggested that drink-driving offenders should face similar punishments to murderers and rapists"
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(Daily Mail)
Australian man who installed the world's most annoying car horn - compared to 'an asthmatic playing a recorder' - says he has no regrets: "It does the job"
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(The Hill)
Trump's limo will have a gas cannon and fresh bottles of blood. Chuck Tingle tried to warn us but we just didn't listen
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(Marie Claire)
Too cheap for plastic surgery? Facehack
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(The Sun)
They see me rollin', they hatin'
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(Science Alert)
A super cheap, generic alternative to the EpiPen just hit shelves in the US. It's not called Screw You Mylan Bastards, but it should be
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Thu January 12, 2017
Just one more reason against Man-Buns
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(Daily Mail)
"Never don't give up." Now who can argue with that?
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Larceny, battery and grand theft. What is a Florida wedding for $20, Alex
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(WFAA Fort Worth)
Not all heroes wear capes. This one built a house for her family by watching YouTube tutorials
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(FB Photos)
Photoshop this robot sculpture
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(KTVQ Billings)
Golden retriever saves owner from freezing to death after he slipped and broke his neck on New Year's Eve. Your dog gets a lifetime of steak
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(Tech Times)
Not that there's any reason to panic, but vampire bats have started living up to their name
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(Some Food Nut)
Fark Food Thread: So, foodies, chowhounds, and cooks of all levels... did you get any cooking-related gifts this holiday season? Show us your new shinies, our envy shall know no bounds
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Russia proposes a ban on selling cigarettes to everyone born after 2014. Which means there are going to be some mighty cranky three-year-olds waiting in line eight hours to buy some diapers
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(WOODTV Grand Rapids)
Ever lose your football in a tree because you threw it up there to get your frisbee down?
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Photoshop theme: An improvement to winter-weather technology
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More victims come forward to accuse Google of grabbing them by the ad revenue - Boing Boing and Skepchick
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(Minneapolis Star Tribune)
Police stop stolen van and find marijuana, a .40 caliber handgun, 7 children with their mouths taped shut and the driver going into labor
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(Russia Today)
We may as well surrender to the robots now and get it over with
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Lay's wants your potato chip flavor suggestions. Again. What could possibly go wrong?
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(USA Today)
Citizens of Indiana officially redneckognized as "Hoosiers"
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Fish fraud running rampant in LA; CHiPS called in to investigate
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Fox News defends CNN against Trump's 'fake news' charge, as reported by AOL News. And you're reading this on Fark. *Mind blown*
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(The New York Observer)
The internet can't stop laughing at this Obamacare hater learning he has Obamacare
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Imagine the Gorton's fisherman, but even more terrifying-that's this guy
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Douchebags who take up two parking spots - known as Jeremy Clarkson parking - defend being douchebags: "If people knew about the damage caused to my car by other drivers who can't park and can't drive, I like to think they would understand"
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(Heat Street)
Top druid goes to court to fight for free parking at Stonehenge, continued right to kite gnome guards around Ak'Anon
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(WNEP Scranton)
Bomb squad makes easter eggs for visually impaired. C'mon guys, they're the ones who can least afford to lose fingers
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Bigfoot photographed in Irish forest, although experts say it's probably just a ghost of a passenger killed in a plane crash there
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For those times when everybody just won't shut up
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(Deviant Art)
Photoshop this lonely one
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(From the Grapevine)
Unless you're Troy McClure, there is no reason to install a 10,000 gallon aquarium in your living room
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(CBS Chicago)
Teen will face trespassing charge for getting locked up in jail
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(WHAS 11 Louisville)
"Das Boot"
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Looks like the US and Iran have more in common than we thought
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Calgary Police union boss, who recently complained that officers charged with criminal offenses were being named publicly has been... go on, take a guess
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Does the world really need a modern elevator that can go 40 miles per hour?
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Not content with just poking the Panda, Rex Tillerson decides to steal its food and poop in its cage; Says China should be blocked from accessing the very islands it's preparing to go to war over
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The only thing worse than being attacked by a coyote while walking your dog is if it's a rabid coyote
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Theme of Farktography Contest No. 610: "Nighty Night 2 ". Details and rules in first post. LGT next week's theme
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