Posts Tagged ‘Hambach Forest’

Arson and sabotage at Hambach open cast mine (Germany)

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

This new years night while everybody was celebrating, we had a special party of our own, visiting the hambach opencast mine and putting on a nice fireworks display for RWE and breaking some glass for a lucky new fear.

After wandering along the railway tracks which transport brown coal from the mine to nearby power stations, we came across two signal boxes and a bundle of cables and thought these were perfectly suitable targets for our mischevious intentions.

We opened the boxes with a wide chisel and placed inside 10cm lengths of inner tube stuffed with gasoline soaked cloths then smeared the inside of the boxes with burning gel to make sure it all burnt properly.

We thought the party was over, but then on the way back we noticed some welcoming lights from an office trailer in a fenced compound. Next to the trailer were two parked diggers in dire need of maintenance, we checked the trailer was empty by smashing its windows, then cut the fence and set about immediately improving the air conditioning of the diggers, smashing their windows, cutting all of the hydraulics and adding some extra holes to the coolers. We also poured some dirt and broken glass in the gas tanks and used a bolt cutter to cut the valves of the trailers tires.

200m further, we found a front-end loader and gave it the same treatment aswell as emptying the fire extinguisher found inside the cab into its gas tank.

According to the media reports all of this caused a damage of “tens of thousands” of euros, making it our most expensive new years party so far.

We wish to send our thanks to all the people who provided us with perfect soundcover by wasting huge amounts of explosives, terrifying the local wildlife in a stupid capitalist ritual.

Criminal Mechanics Party

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Train sabotage at Hambach open cast mine with Thermite (Germany)

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

On the night of the 5th of January I paid a visit to the Hambach open cast browncoal mine close to Aachen. My goal was to destroy the railroad tracks with a load of thermite i stole from an other industrial company.

Thermite burns around 2500 degrees celcius and the steel of the tracks melts around 1500 degrees celcius so the thermite does a lot of damage when ignited properly.

I chose the location so it would hurt them most, at the part where the train can switch to the other track since this part is one of a kind and they have to make a new one on site. When I got there I set everything up after checking the target and my escape route, the termite I put in 2 plantpots with a hole in the bottom to guide the molten mixture to the right place. The stuff is easy to ignite with sparklers which you can get anywhere around new years but to be sure it all goes up I put around 20 in each spot.

I placed the devices and set it ablaze, just in the moment I lit the 2nd one I saw the headlights of an train coming my way. I had plenty of time to get some space between me and the molten mixture and watch the train driving into one of the pots. The tracks and front wheel was covered in the burning thermite and making a repetitive noise of the wheels hitting the damaged

After one last look at this spectacle I got my ass out of there.

Piromane against RWE.

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Posted in Direct Action

Heavy attack on high-voltage cable in Hambach (Germany)

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

On the evening of 23 April a group of saboteurs set fire to high-voltage cables at the Hambach site, preventing the place from working. Hambach forest is the scene of a protracted ecological battle against the company RWE, which is aiming to destroy the forest for coal mining. The construction operation will now suffer huge financial losses due to the successful arson.

Find the communique in German here:


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Posted in Eco Struggle

Drive-by barricade – End of dialogue at Pyhäjoki (Finland)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Fennovoima-Rosatom tries to build a new nuclear power plant in Pyhäjoki, Finland. Nuclear energy is by every standard outdated technology, financially unprofitable, it increases the centralization of energy production and produces hazardous nuclear waste for generations to come.

On top of it all, Fennovoima-Rosatom is destroying unique nature as we speak and messing up the Bay of Bothnia. The chosen location is a crappy one for a nuclear power plant by any means. Close to sea, close to groundwater. For example, the builders need to lift the ground level with meters to even get to start the constructions.

On Tuesday 12/04 at 6 in the morning we blocked the traffic of the only road leading to the construction site, and the landfills from continuing, by burning a crappy car filled with car tires etc. In the middle of that Fennovoima road.

The paintjob on the car said “Dialog Devil”. That’s our dialogue and that’s what we have to say to everyone demanding dialogue with Fennovoima-Rosatom.

We also want to send our solidarity to Hambach forest occupation where comrades are battling against the climate killing energy giant RWE despite heavy repression against them. One struggle!

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Hambach Forest: Solidarity to imprisoned Sarah and Huba (Germany)

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

After the courtcase of LAUtonomia activist Sarah on the 22 of March at the court district of Cottbus our compa Huba got arrested. Sarah was released and got arrested straight away again for something else but we do not have the info on why and for what. Sarah was in jail for a month for not giving ID after getting caught shoplifting. When leaving the courtroom civil cops and the screws hold Huba at the door and confronted him with a warrant for his arrest. The same day he saw a judge in Cottbuss. He came as a spectator for the court case and left in hand-cuffs.

Right now he is in the JVA Wriezen and will be transported to Aachen this week. He is charged with violent assault that allegedly happened the 11 of November in the cutting area of the Hambach forest.

We do not know how long it will take for Huba to arrive in Aachen. prisoner transport normally takes quite a long time. Huba will be transported from prison to prison where he will be put in one person cells with no access to books, sports or other things that you would normally get when you are in jail. when arriving in Duren he will be seeing another judge. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Urgent – Hambach Forest Eviction (Germany)

Wednesday, March 16th, 2016

Ongoing eviction in the Hambach forest! Support needed!!

15.03.2016 – Yesterday morning the meadow occupation was surrounded by cops. This turned into a huge police operation: All main paths in the forest were cleared, fixed and broadened, all barricades and tripods destroyed. Until today four unoccupied platforms were evicted. Police forces are still present all around, chasing people who try to build new barricades…

This is an urgent call-out for all kinds of support! What has happened the last two days is a massive attack! Because all the roads are cleared and passable for big machinery, it is important to protect the forest occupations NOW!
Come to the Hambach forest, we need food, water, blankets and most of all more people with fresh energy!

For more information: www.hambachforest.blogsport.de

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Text concerning Hambach Forest (Germany)

Friday, January 29th, 2016

The conflict against RWE at Hambacher forest has intensified with every
day since the beginning of this new year.

Many individuals embracing a diverse variety of tactics have been hard
at work bringing anarchic mischief to the mine.

Some elements of practical refusal from the occupiers of the forest

* The continuous barricading of the roads used by security and
construction vehicles, as well as structural damage to the bridges they
use with fire and pick axes.

*Tree-spiking and the placement of “potential improvised explosive
devices” in threatened areas of the forest, as well as more and more
barricades, platforms and tree-defenses deeper in the woods.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Hambach Forest – 3 People in Jail (Germany)

Thursday, October 29th, 2015

Updated 2 Nov 2015



Newest information about the Hambi-prisoners

Yesterday evening we got new information about the conditions and developments concerning the 3 prisoners from the forest occupation, who are at the moment imprisoned in Aachen and Cologne. We want to give an update to everyone interested and call out for solidarity. At the moment, there are no public names for the two persons arrested last Thursday, so they’ll be called A. and B. in this text.

All 3 prisoners suffer from injuries they had inflicted on them during their arrest. How the situation exactly went and if they were hurt by police or security, we don’t know. Mr. Blue, who is imprisoned for several weeks now, can’t hear well out of his left ear, and he can’t feel two fingers on his left hand. Since he is in prison, he is not been allowed to see the prison-doctor. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Another comrade arrested and detained in Hambach Forest Struggle (Germany)

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

After our comrade Jus got out of prison, and is freely walking amongst us again,
another comrade got kidnapped by the police.

The 7th of October the person blockaded one of the conveyor belts in the Hambach
mine. When this belt stops, some diggers stand still and the trains can not be
filled with coal. This mine is second biggest open cast mine of Europe, This area
is the biggest Co2 emitter of Europe.

It is reported that he got beaten by security as well as police, with a broken
wrist, bruises and a red eye as a result. Allegedly photos where taken of the
person at 5 different actions in which the detainee allegedly was involved. They
are accusing him of assault because he allegedly bit a security guard, also
trespassing, ‘disturbing of public enterprises’ resisting and insulting police
officers, are on the list of charges. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Solidarity with Dariusz 'Jus' Brzeski – Hambach Forest Struggle (Germany)

Monday, September 7th, 2015

6 weeks ago our comrade Jus got taken from us at the eviction of Remi’s Tower, a huge barricade built in honour of Remi Fraisse, who got killed by the freakin cops.

The first 3 weeks Jus was on hunger strike and as a reaction to that the cops told him he did not have a lawyer registered (which he had) and put him in a isolation cell, where it is hard to sleep because they check every 15 minutes if you are not dead yet by turning the lights on and off. All the letters he receives now get checked and it takes about 2 to 4 weeks for them to get to him. He is in prison for 6 weeks and only had two visits. It is extremely difficult to arrange visits, because there has to be an interpreter at all times, and they want audio-visual surveillance. Also his phone privileges are restricted to only his lawyer (even though everyone else can call whoever the fuck they want) and even about that they are being assholes. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Atlanta, GA: Tractors sabotaged for the ZAD, No TAV, Hambach Forest (USA)

Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

On the night of February 22nd, we poured a mixture of sand and water into the fuel tanks of two tractors used in the construction of a new Atlanta streetcar. The streetcar is one of many major development projects the city has initiated in the past few years as a part of a general plan to revitalize downtown. We know that this plan only means more police and unaffordable housing.

We offer this small gesture of solidarity to the ZAD, the No TAV movement, and the occupation of the Hambach Forest. We would also like to send strength to those affected by increased surveillance or repression the new developments have brought to Atlanta.

Our action was very simple to perform. It did not take long to plan or to enact and we found all of the materials on the side of the road. We do not believe that an accumulation of “actions” makes a revolution, but we wanted to give encouragment to the current and future participants of revolutionary struggles. Onward, strong hearts!

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