Posts Tagged ‘Damien Camélio’

Back in the Slammer: A letter from Damien from the Fleury-Mérogis jail (France)

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Damien was arrested on Wednesday, December 7 in Bretagne, charged with attacks against the Chambre of Commerce, a Jaguar dealership, and other targets during a demo that took place on April 14 between Paris’ 10th and 19th districts. This is his first letter out since being denied bail.

I’m writing from Fleury, where I’m being held in preventative detention[1]. Since the charges against me are, as usual, totally boring and unimaginative, I wanted to offer a different telling of the lovely spring night of revolt, written by some true lovers of disorder, so that my comrades have an accurate and realistic depiction of what I’m alleged to have done: Reportback on April 14: hold in the rage too long and it bursts out like it should[2]

I don’t want to complain, so I won’t give a detailed account of my arrest, similar as it was to all those that happen each day, here and around the world.

However, it does seem important to mention a few things.
During the search, the cops found some anarchist propaganda, namely some newspapers, brochures, posters, and tracts, as well as a few texts in the process of being translated. I refused to sign the papers dealing with the search as well as those for my being held taken into custody. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Night-time stalking of Bristol fascists – EDL Chris Pugh's car vandalised and fascist hang-out Apple Tree pub smashed (UK)

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

Some local fascist haunts have been hunted down in our areas. This is to combat continuing fascist stirrings like racist assaults, intimidation and graffiti here in Bristol* and elsewhere. The far-right will be fought in the daytime like in Brighton last Sunday, or at night when we choose.

EDL Fascist Chris Pugh plays as DJ around Bristol pubs under the name of The Last Resort, and runs a retro shop under the same name on the Wells Road. His street stall in St.Nicholas market ceased trading after being publicly paintbombed on a Saturday by anti-fascists. His shop is a few minutes from his house in Knowle West (47 Salcombe Rd), the stomping ground of his youth. So, on the night of Tuesday 15th April, all four tyres were punctured on his Grey Jaguar car, and body work scratched. It’s the least we can do for him right now.

Two days later, at the Apple Tree pub in Philips street, off Bedminister parade, two downstairs windows and one upstairs were smashed at sunrise. The pub is a consecutive meeting place of EDL organisers, such as Mickey Bayliss, who organised the EDL demo in central Bristol last year as their South-West co-ordinator.

Attack the racists and fascists, history has always proved that they’ll be the allies of the bosses, patriarchs and the state, pretending to speak for the white underdog. It’s a mistake to let them fester.

Lastly, across the channel in Calais fascists have fallen back for the moment after an international call-out to fight their repeated attacks on squats and migrants, though the bigger enemy remains the authorities and the state.

Solidarity to Damien Camelio also in France doing time for burning buildings used by the army, the prison service, National Front, and calling to arms against repression in all forms.

Neither Left nor Right – Anti-State and Anti-Fascist

*See this – http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/Racism-Bristol-349-victims-report-abuse-2012-13/story-20958509-detail/story.html

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Damien Camélio, imprisoned member of the GADI (International Direct Action Group) announces hungerstrike in solidarity with prisoners of Iberia, Corsica, Euskadi (France)

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

I took the decision to subject myself to a total hunger strike.

My demands are of an anti-prison, libertarian and political nature.

As far as I don’t want to create a hierarchy among the prisoners, it seems to me logical to demand first of all the liberation and easing the penalties for those who are being held hostage for their courageous struggle for freedom of all.

Before I start, I feel that I need to remind something to the French ‘socialist’ government. One of the first measures applied by M. Mitterrand, that you claim all the ideological affiliation with, was amnesty for the prisoners of different organisations involved in a social struggle (like Action Directe, ETA, FLNC, ALP, …) To answer my demands by saying that the political situation back then was different, would be completely irrelevant. As a socialist party, you cannot deny the social pressure mounting on the poorest, you cannot deny that capitalism was ever so aggressive as it is today, neocolonialism so widespread and vicious, and the degeneration of society into fascism so present. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle