Posts Tagged ‘Anti-Coal’

Train sabotage at Hambach open cast mine with Thermite (Germany)

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

On the night of the 5th of January I paid a visit to the Hambach open cast browncoal mine close to Aachen. My goal was to destroy the railroad tracks with a load of thermite i stole from an other industrial company.

Thermite burns around 2500 degrees celcius and the steel of the tracks melts around 1500 degrees celcius so the thermite does a lot of damage when ignited properly.

I chose the location so it would hurt them most, at the part where the train can switch to the other track since this part is one of a kind and they have to make a new one on site. When I got there I set everything up after checking the target and my escape route, the termite I put in 2 plantpots with a hole in the bottom to guide the molten mixture to the right place. The stuff is easy to ignite with sparklers which you can get anywhere around new years but to be sure it all goes up I put around 20 in each spot.

I placed the devices and set it ablaze, just in the moment I lit the 2nd one I saw the headlights of an train coming my way. I had plenty of time to get some space between me and the molten mixture and watch the train driving into one of the pots. The tracks and front wheel was covered in the burning thermite and making a repetitive noise of the wheels hitting the damaged

After one last look at this spectacle I got my ass out of there.

Piromane against RWE.

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Posted in Direct Action

Sabotage of coal rail transport line in Avon Gorge (UK)

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

Attacking UK’s coal transport system – Severing the lines that feed the machine

Severing the lines that feed the machine is not impossible. When people take up civil uprising in the UK, if people are able to shove their obligations to one side to open up an avenue, they mainly have the ability and possibility to be able to grasp their will for something new. The war is not over when those moments stop, it sparks up in little raptures here and there, showing that we are not crushed, things can be brought to a grinding halt again, even for a split second.

It just takes a few bright spirits and we see it clear, when the smug confidence of authorities is knocked, a few pins get hit out and things can be seen in a different light. Out of synch and off balance, everything no longer appears structurally sound, life feels more up for grabs.

The new horizon peaked through our cloudy day, Sunday 6th March, and we hope this uncomplicated act of sabotage we have undertaken exposes the vulnerability of their complex matrix.

We took a risk assessment and as night just started to close in we entered the 1st railway tunnel, we cut both lines with a portable disc cutter, we didn’t imagine de-railing a locomotive but wrecking disruption and economic damage (time is money). We entered a 2nd and did a further two cuts, marking them all with pink paint, and leaving a banner as a warning. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle