Christmas tree set on fire by anarchists in Crete on the anniversary of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos (Greece)

December 16th, 2016

Because of the day of the black anniversary of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos from the cop Korkoneas, some comrades chose to give a different meaning to this night by placing our own pebble in the frames of conflict. As a minimal token of protest against everything we experience and the consumerist craze of Christmas, with the help of flammable material and our will to leave the discussions and nonsense of the cafes, we proceeded to act. Just before the beginning of the demonstration we set fire to the Christmas tree in the central market square of Chania and which represents the consumerist frenzy that takes over the brains of the living-dead of this country and not only. As soon as it started burning, a group of store owners whose stores were not endangered, rushed to put out the fire with buckets and hoses, their petite-bourgeois not able to understand the nature of this act, resulting in only one part of the tree being burnt. Read the rest of this entry »

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Florence : ATM torched in solidarity with anarchist comrades (Italy)

December 16th, 2016

Since the previous claim has not been received, we repeat: Florence 21/11 fire to the Italian Post ATM on Cento Celle Street. Against expulsions, cages, control and censorship. Solidarity to the arrested and to those under investigation Op Scripta Manent, Rome, Turin, to Divine, Carlo, Cedric and to everyone who fight, inside as outside, against authority.

via ABC Italy, Traces of Fire

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Oaxaca: Explosive attacks against Santander Bank and PRODECON in memory of anarchist compañero Sebastián Oversluij (Mexico)

December 16th, 2016

On December 11, 2013 anarchist compañero Sebastián Oversluij was shot dead by a security guard while attempting to rob a bank branch in Chile.

Today we decided to attack with explosive devices a Santander Bank branch and a PRODECON* office (belonging to the Secretary of Finance) in Oaxaca.

Remembering three years since this event not to make him a martyr nor to victimize his death but in the name of all illegal and clandestine actions that arise, have arisen and will arise within this war.

We emphasize that we (BAIBF / Bruno Filippi Brigade of Informal Action) have nothing to do with the wave of pseudo-left-wing anarchists who are at the mercy of and defend the interests of social and trade union organizations since we opt for the antagonistic and informal individual affinities and the total destruction of this prison-society and all its structures. Read the rest of this entry »

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Athens: Attack against the office of security company SCS (Greece)

December 16th, 2016

In the morning of November 30 we attacked with hammers and fire the office of the security company S.C.S, located in the neighborhood of Zografou, Athens.

Private security companies plays a para-police role, making their profits by selling fear and promoting snitching and collaboration with the police.

For these reasons, and not only, it was not difficult for us to choose them as a target. Also, with our action we have shown that this company is useless and it’s services are just an illusion as they were not even able to protect themselves. Not one of their human or mechanical means of control can stop those who have the desire to attack the existent.

With this action we want to support the call against the G-20 summit that will take place in Hamburg on the 7th and 8th of July in 2017. The 7th and 8th of July as well as the preceding months can be a meeting point between comrades from around the world and simultaneously form a focal point for a campaign that contributes to the sharpening of tensions and create new points of rupture without limitations of time or place. Read the rest of this entry »

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Poster in memory of anarchist compañero Sebastián ‘Angry’ Oversluij / Afiche: Sebastian Oversluij presente en cada accion expropiadora y de ofensiva contra el poder (Chile)

December 16th, 2016

English translation via Insurrection News:


On the morning of December 11, 2013 compañero Sebastián Oversluij was preparing to expropriate a bank branch in the commune of Pudahuel. The compañero ‘Angry’ was entering the branch and pulling a sub-machine gun from inside his jacket to announce the assault. A miserable security guard lashed out at the compañero and killed him instantly. The uniformed bastard had military training and extensive experience as a mercenary in Haiti and Iraq. Read the rest of this entry »

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Kurdistan Freedom Falcons TAK claims Istanbul attacks on Turkish police (Turkey)

December 12th, 2016

The statement by TAK said:

“The simultaneous action in Istanbul Vodafone Arena Stadium and Maçka was conducted by our Team Martyr Tirej at 22:30 on 10 December, 2016. Two comrades of ours bravely fell martyr as a result of this action which left some 100 police dead and hundreds of others wounded.” The statement noted that ID details of these TAK militants will be announced in the coming days.

TAK continued, stressing that: “The Turkish people are not a direct target of TAK. Our Team Martyr Tirej carried out this action with utmost attention.

However, no comfortable life should be expected in Turkey while the imprisonment of Leader Apo continues, the Turkish-AKP fascism tortures mothers, exposes the bodies of young girls and massacres children in Kurdistan on daily basis. The peoples of Turkey should say stop to this fascism because only the AKP fascism is responsible for this chaos.”



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Santiago: Action 3 years after the death in combat of compañero Sebastián Oversluij (Chile)

December 11th, 2016

Sebastián Oversluij, we demand your memory in every direct action.* This December 11 is already 3 years since your death in combat, with fire we remember every fallen compañerx.

Freedom for the PDI case compañerxs, Tamara Sol and all other compas who have been kidnapped and imprisoned by the Police State.

Fire to the prisons!
We do not forget, we do not forgive!
The struggle continues, stronger than ever!

*Barricades, banners, pamphlets and attacks with Molotovs against the police in memory of Sebastián ‘Angry’ Oversluij and for the political prisoners outside UMCE (Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences). There were also clashes outside Campus Juan Gómez Millas (University of Chile). 07.12.2016

via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News

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Welcome to Father Frost against Putin IV Festival in Helsinki (Finland)

December 11th, 2016

From 7th to 8th of January 2017 fourth Father Frost against Putin-festival will be organised in Helsinki. Exact festival location will be announced later.

As in earlier years, various Russian grassroot initiatives will present themselves in festival. You should visit festival, if you are interested on what has happened in Russian anarchist, feminist and queer movements during year 2016.

All festival events will be open to everyone. Read the rest of this entry »

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Protest turns into a fierce riot 8 years after the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos by the police (Greece)

December 11th, 2016

New video from the fierce riot that “exploded” in Athens on December 6, 2016, commemorating the 8th year since 15 years old Alexis Grigoropoulos murder in cold blood by a policeman in the Exarcheia neighborhood of Athens, on December 6, 2008.

Everything started a few minutes after 9 pm, on the night of 6 December 2008, when a tensed argument between two cops and a group of youngsters ended with the policemen leaving the scene, but only for the murderers to park their patrol car a few blocks away and return to confront the kids with their guns. One of the two cops (Korkoneas) aimed towards the kids and fired two shots. One of the bullets struck 15 years old Alexis Grigoropoulos in the heart and fell dead. Read the rest of this entry »

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Comrade from Amsterdam accused of a bank robbery of 2013 in Aachen is acquitted (Germany)

December 11th, 2016

On the 8th of December the court acquitted the comrade from Amsterdam accused of a bank robbery of 2013 in Aachen.

Over 60 people were present in court, to show their support. The judge refused the rough indications argumented by the prosecution that aimed to prove the presence of the comrade in the bank on that morning more then 3 years ago.

However, the prosecution has already announced their recourse to the revision court. This means that a judge now will revise the whole court case to see if there were any procedural mistakes or incoherence with the judges reasoning for his decision. In case this court finds any errors, the trial will have to be re-done in the court of Aachen, but by a different judge. If this recourse fails, these charges and juridical procedure will be closed.

However, there are two comrades still in pre-trial detention with charges for a bank robbery that was committed in 2014. Their trial will begin at the end of January.

We send strength and courage to the comrades inside, may they feel the solidarity through the concrete walls and iron bars.


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‘Burn the flag on inauguration day!’ By William T. Hathaway (USA)

December 11th, 2016

Burn the flag on inauguration day!
By William T. Hathaway

Let’s welcome our new Commander in Chief by demonstrating how little he knows about the Constitution of the United States. Each incoming president is required on inauguration day to take the oath of office, affirming to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.” But Trump proved his ignorance of this document when he recently wrote, “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag — if they do, there must be consequences — perhaps loss of citizenship or a year in jail!” The Supreme Court, however, thinks otherwise. It has twice ruled that burning the national flag is not a crime but a form of free speech protected by the First Amendment, a legal way to protest government policies.

Let’s give Big T a lesson in the Constitution on January 20. We the people should exercise our rights by burning the flag during his swearing-in ceremony. We can counter his jingoistic nationalism with a display of true patriotism, affirming our love of a country which was founded on the principles of egalitarianism rather than elitism, of government by the people rather than by just the rich.

Trump’s autocratic proclamations make it clear we’re going to have to fight to maintain our rights. His appointments to key offices display the pro-rich, anti-worker character of his administration. Our already low wages and benefits are scheduled for further slashing, our already suffering environment for further abuse. The future of our country and planet depends on our willingness to defend both against this attack by rightwing demagogues. Read the rest of this entry »

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Bloomington, Indiana: Rainbow Bakery sabotaged for Feral Pines (US)

December 11th, 2016

Last night we sabotaged the locks of Rainbow Bakery with superglue.

We did this for Feral, an anarchist comrade who died in the Oakland fire.

Before living in Oakland, Feral worked at Rainbow Bakery. While working there, she suffered daily emotional abuse at the hands of her bosses – Matt Tobey and Lisa Dorazewski – and was paid a shitty training wage for the entire time she worked there. They knew they could get away with this behavior because few other places in town would hire a trans woman. When she had an emotional breakdown (exacerbated by their cruelty towards her) and needed a week off from work, they cut her hours to zero, leaving her with no job and no possibility of receiving unemployment. Read the rest of this entry »

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Berlin: Arson attack against a police station in memory of Alexis Grigoropoulos (Germany)

December 8th, 2016

A Christmas present for the cops

In remembrance of Alexis who was murdered by the cops in Athens 8 years ago we have visited the friends of his murderers in the immediate vicinity of the Alexanderplatz and left 10 liters of petrol as a gift at the entrance door.
The solidarity of this action also applies to our prisoners who are sitting in jail because of the bank expropriation and are waiting to be sentenced by the executioners.
More solidarity greetings to Tuna, Balu, Cem and Ali.

We have noted with joy that in Leipzig last night some other people decided to attack the state and it’s lackeys.

Government institutions! See you in Hamburg!

For freedom!

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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Tasos Theofilou: Open letter on the commencement of his trial at the court of appeal (Greece)

December 8th, 2016

On November 21st, after a nine-month postponement, my trial commences at the court of appeal. It’s been two years since the completion of my trial at the court of first instance, when I was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment for the charges of common complicity to homicide and robbery in connection with the events on Paros island on 10/8/2012. I was acquitted of participation in CCF as well as of direct perpetration of homicide by a majority opinion. It was a political (not judicial) compromise and a result of conflict between the manipulation of this particular case by the police in cooperation with the mainstream media during the first days after my arrest, on the one hand, and the lack of any evidence, along with the solidarity expressed by the audience and the reaction of independent media, on the other. Thereof emerged the temporary Solomonic solution of my partial acquittal of the charges, deferring the prospect of a conclusive decision until a trial at the court of appeal.

Apart from the appeal initiated by myself, in which I upheld a full acquittal of all charges, there was also one more appeal, as of right, initiated by a gentleman called Δράκος [Dragon] –namely, a public prosecutor whose surname obviously adds further symbolism to the witch-hunt orchestrated by the Counter-terrorism Service. Eventually, the division of opinion between the presiding judge, Mr. Hatziathanasiou, – who voted for my conviction for all charges- and the two other members of the court – who chose the more moderate option that eventually prevailed- made room for further manipulation. Read the rest of this entry »

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