Morning Focus
Start your day and get in the know with these handpicked stories

FBI Under Justice Department Investigation

America's top law enforcement agency is under investigation for actions leading up to the 2016 presidential election.
Jan 12

Obama Administration Ending 'Wet Foot, Dry Foot' Policy for Cubans

The Obama administration has ended the Clinton-era policy known as "wet foot, dry foot," which allows Cubans special immigration status just days before he leaves office.
Jan 13

President Obama's Emotional Tribute to Vice President Biden

One last surprise from the president to the man he calls his brother.
Jan 12

No, Michelle Obama's Mom Won't Receive a Pension for Living in the White House

Jan 13

US Accuses Fiat Chrysler of Cheating on Emissions

The U.S. government is accusing Fiat Chrysler of failing to disclose software in some of its diesel engines that allows them to emit more pollution than allowed under the Clean Air Act.
Jan 12