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This is a Wikimedia Commons user page:
If you find this page on any site other than Wikimedia Commons, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated, and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikipedia itself. The original page is located at
Wikimedia Foundation
Babel user information
UTC-8 This user's timezone is UTC-8.
Commons Administrator.svg This user is an administrator on Wikimedia Commons. (verify)
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
fr-4 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances proches de la langue maternelle en français.
es-2 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.
la-2 Hic usor media Latinitate contribuere potest.
fi-1 Tämä käyttäjä puhuu suomea vähän.
Users by language
Image du jour

Meta page can be found Here.

IRC users: always look for me at #wikimedia-commons or #wikipedia-spotlight!

Some great information is available at pfctdayelise's list of subpages.

Featured images that don't have {{Picture of the day}} templates are found here.

My Gallery can be found at User:Bastique/gallery.

I'm a writer, and have published two science fiction/erotica short stories in anthologies. I'm also the Volunteer Coordinator (aka VOLCO) for the Wikimedia Foundation.

My favorite person in the world, my dog Banjo


Erioll world.svg