Victoria Brownworth


Award-winning journo.Politics writer Fighting cancer. Saving the world one woman/girl at a time!

Philly, natch
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@VABVOX مسدود شده

مطمئنید که می‌خواهید این توییت‌ها را ببینید؟ دیدن توییت‌ها @VABVOX را از مسدودیت در نمی‌آورد.

  1. توییت سنجاق‌شده

    is a value. We should all adopt it. Why? Bc being gets stuff done. Being brave inspires others to get stuff done.

  2. Just got a text from here in saying"One of Trump's advisors just saidHillary should be put on a firing line&shot for treason."

  3. Everything you need to know about the extremists who will highlight .

  4. I can't understand how EVERYONE isn't terrified of a possible Trump presidency.

  5. A reminder that way more people voted for than fir who got fewer votes than any Republican in decades.

  6. Trump will wreck America. Do not let that happen.

  7. Christie is Trump's likely pick forAG. He led the chant to jail Clinton,even though she's committed no crime. Jailing dissidents.

  8. This meme was spread in 2008. Some are reviving it. Trump gives this permission.

  9. Here's how this undocumented immigrant is "walling off Trump:"

  10. I was working with Chris Stevens before he died. Honor him with truth, not lies.

  11. Have a lovely day, tweeps. America is diverse. Our next president must respect & honor that. Trump does not.

  12. Early morning blood draw. When your hand is already blown up from Monday's IV...Doesn't even look like my hand...

  13. The targeting of is part of a pattern: Why Do Hundreds of Men Want to Rape and Kill Coralie Alison?

  14. From that piece on Milo & Leslie Jones. I & many women writers I know have been attacked on here by Milo.

  15. Been happening for YEARS & Twitter does nothing. LeslieJones's Twitter abuse is a deliberate campaign of hate

  16. The man in the room next to mine is screaming. It's 5:30am... He's been screaming much of the night. We should do something about this...

  17. Truly upset that has forced their best option, , out of the race. plagues the left.

به‌نظر می‌رسد بارگزاری صفحه طول کشیده است.

ممکن است ظرفیت توییتر پر باشد یا اینکه در حال حاضر دچار مشکلی شده باشد. دوباره امتحان کنید یا از وضعیت توییتر بازدید کنید تا اطلاعات بیشتری کسب کنید.

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