
Australia Day ad doesn't mention Australia Day but it does mention Fyshwick

You haven't been able to buy fireworks in Fyshwick since 2009 but somehow the Chinese turn up to this year's Australia Day party with a big box of crackers.

This year's Meat and Livestock Australia annual Australia Day ad has guests arriving on our shores and when the Chinese arrive with the pyrotechnics and are asked "Where did you get those?", they proudly reply "Fyshwick".

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Celebrate Australia with a Lamb BBQ

The 2017 Australia Day lamb advertisement with no mention of Australia Day.

Then industrial relations minister John Hargraeves was instrumental in the ban saying it was necessary because of property damage, injury to domestic animals and wildlife, and the general disruption caused by illegal use of fireworks.

He told the Assembly a tear-jerking story about his cat Andy, who some years before the ban was in place, had been tormented  by children with fireworks.

Then chief minister Jon Stanhope said at the time that he regretted his government's decision.

"I always enjoyed fireworks, cracker night, I loved it as a child," Mr Stanhope said.


"My children loved it, and it's a matter of regret that there are generations of children now that will never have that same experience or that same joy."

An ACT Government spokesperson said on Thursday the government was not considering any change to the fireworks laws at this time.

"In the spirit of the ad we do of course welcome all Chinese and other visitors to the Canberra region - including Fyshwick - to see everything our city has to offer," the spokesperson said.

This year's ad is likely to cause discussion across the nation for many reasons.

The annual Australia Day lamb ad has traditionally been an exercise in chest-beating patriotism that mocked anyone not celebrating the holiday "properly" - including vegans and those eating "foreign" food. 

This year, it doesn't mention Australia Day at all.  

Amid growing calls to move Australia Day from January 26, the industry group on Thursday released an ad that confronts head-on the controversy around hosting the national day on a date marking the start of colonialism and Indigenous dispossession.

The ad starts with three Indigenous Australians on a beach who remark on being the "first here" but that the beautiful location would be "packed before you know it". 

A procession of boats then arrive, notably starting with the Dutch, followed by the British (whose claim to be the "First Fleet" is met with laughter), the French, Germans, Chinese, Italians, Greeks, Serbians, New Zealanders and finally "boat people". 

"Hang on, aren't we all boat people?," celebrity chef Poh Ling Yeow, of Masterchef fame, asks. 

At one point Olympic legend Cathy Freeman asks the hosts what the occasion is. "Do we need one?" is the answer. 

The campaign is a departure from MLA's previous campaigns staring Sam Kekovich, which since 2005 have painted Australia Day as a sacred occasion and called anyone who eats "foreign" cuisine like "a number 42 with rice" instead of lamb on January 26 "un-Australian". ​

January 26 is the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet, which many Indigenous Australians find offensive and have dubbed "Invasion Day", as it also marks the start of colonisation and frontier violence. 

The City of Fremantle has cancelled Australia Day celebrations this year, deeming them culturally insensitive, and will instead host a "culturally-inclusive" event on January 28. 

Meanwhile youth radio station Triple J has said it would consider moving the date of its annual Hottest 100 countdown after lobbying from listeners and popular hip-hop group A.B. Original.

MLA's marketing manager Andrew Howie said the ad was informed by consumer insights and feedback from past campaigns and was about celebrating diversity. 

"Ultimately, as the face of Australia continues to evolve and change, we need to make lamb relevant to a diverse, modern Australia," Mr Howie said in a statement. 

The ads will run until January 26.