

Why Australia needs a museum for women

Walk with me, past the glass-and-steel jawbone of Federation Square and the monolithic grey bulk of the National Gallery of Victoria on St Kilda Road.

Wander down this laneway, dappled with shade from native she-oak trees and fringed with a living library of herbs and plants traditionally used in childbirth.

It leads to the entrance of an exquisite contemporary building. Some critics have described its undulating Grampians sandstone as "vulvic", a counterpoint to the soaring edifices that punctuate our city's skyline. I'll leave you to decide.  

Unlike the two cultural institutions we have already passed, this one was designed by a celebrated female Australian architect.

Inside the entrance hall sits a solitary sculpture of a woman holding an infant.

Like Kathe Kollwitz's Berlin sculpture 'Mother with her Dead Son', it pays stark tribute to the Australian women and their children who have died from violence; frontier, colonial, sexual and family.


To the right, an airy gallery holds the work of contemporary female Indigenous artists. You spot an Emily Kame Kngwarreye and a lifesized oil portrait of Victorian Aboriginal feminist Celeste Liddle. Beyond are other exhibitions. 

Above, a punky pink neon sign spells out a welcome: "The National Museum of Australian Women".

Yeah, it's a fantasy. There is no museum like this in Melbourne. Yet.

But now the fantasy has a little more flesh on the bones.

Her Place – a not-for-profit board of influential women, including former union heads and former politician Mary Delahunty – has been lobbying governments and philanthropists for millions of dollars to build a women's museum in Melbourne's cultural precinct.

Recently Her Place landed a $350,000 grant from the Minister for Women, Fiona Richardson, to add professional polish to their push (they're going to employ staff).

"People need to know the stories of great and ordinary women who have done extraordinary things"

Belinda Philp

The premise is pretty simple: throughout history women's lives and experiences have been ignored, and remain markedly absent from the cultural record. Indigenous women, women of diverse sexualities, women of colour, women with disabilities, trans women, have been even more heavily marginalised and policed.

It's the patriarchy, of course. And women still live and labour under it. Despite decades of feminist revisionism there is still no museum or art gallery in the country (with the noble exception of the modest Pioneer Women's Hall of Fame in Alice Springs) which yet balances the lives and creative labours of women with their male peers.

(It's worth mentioning also that in 155 years, our state's national gallery has never had a female director.) 

So what a perfect time, and state, to establish a museum dedicated to women.

Gender is on the radar in Victoria in a way that is long overdue and unique in Australia; from the groundbreaking Royal Commission into family violence to respectful relationship education in schools, to the women's Australian Rules Football league, to the state's new (and first) Gender Equality Strategy.

From this fertile ground, says Her Place board member Belinda Philp (a former head of the Australian nursing federation), a new institution would encourage respect for women, a cornerstone of gender equality. "People need to know the stories of great and ordinary women who have done extraordinary things".

Melbourne's cultural scene is ripe for a place to celebrate, mourn and mark the experiences of half our population. Nationally, we already hold collections that honour science, sport and immigration. Even aviation.  

Perhaps a women's museum could become the missing cultural drawcard for the Docklands, joining the gorgeous Docklands Library (designed by a wife and husband team). Yes, it will cost millions but as Hobart's MONA empire shows, cultural tourism feeds a whole economic ecosystem. 

Think of the women we could include; Eleanor Harding, Lois Peeler, Henrietta Augusta Dugdale, Jo Wainer, Nancy Wake, Joan Kirner, Julia Gillard, Enid Lyons, Jessie Street, Dymphna Cusack, Fiona Wood, Oodgeroo Noonuccal, Truganini, Lowitja O'Donoghue, Cathy Freeman, Miles Franklin, Louisa Lawson, Christina Stead, Shirley Hazzard, Inge King, Tracey Moffatt, Chrissy Amphlett, Simone Young, Sunday Reed, Marion Mahony Griffin, Margaret Preston, Stephanie Alexander, Ruth Cracknell, Rosie Batty, Germaine Greer, Evonne Goolagong Cawley, Dora Lush. Just for starters.

Not that a museum for Australian women should let other institutions off the gender hook. This is about redressing a historical (and ongoing) absence, not a get-out clause.

The Museum of Victoria does not keep data of the gender breakdown in its collections and exhibitions, nor does it have a single gender policy across exhibitions, collections and research.

But diversity is a key consideration in all collection policies, a spokeswoman says. "Gender is an important lens through which we examine all content within research, collections and exhibitions." Amen to that.

In Senegal, Hanoi and Istanbul there are museums dedicated to the experience of women. In Norway, the National Women's Museum occupies a simple wooden villa in the family home of Dagny Juel, a poet, playwright and pianist.

Former Age opinion editor Roslyn Guy (who sadly passed away in April last year and was an advocate for women) visited in 2011. She described a collection that gave pride of place to female suffrage, abortion reform and craft work.

A striking bronze sculpture called The Feminists are Coming stands at the entrance to the museum, Guy wrote. "At this time of year, the three protagonists stride confidently naked into the snow, as if afraid of nothing."

There will *yawn* be people [hello egg avatar on Twitter] who call for a "men's museum", a facetious attempt at "equality". No need, friends. They already exist; our mainstream culture still privileges the masculine experience, despite the good work of many women and men to overturn stereotypes.

You want a men's museum? You're living in it! 

Miki Perkins is The Age's social affairs reporter. Find her on Facebook and Twitter.