
by Brett Stevens (January 12th, 2017)

“Give me just a moment, and I’ll join the executive board meeting,” said Frank Overstone, CFO of the multinational corporation in whose offices this exchange was taking place. Fifty-three and with silver-grey hair over bright blue eyes, he stood slender and strong in his tailored suits, looking every bit the responsible, experienced business leader that […]


by Brett Stevens (January 11th, 2017)

There are stunningly attractive black women. …but Helsinki is so cordycepted they just picked a random one to prove how prog they are. — Welcome To The Oort (@ClarkHat) January 11, 2017 Perhaps the best slang term ever, and one that will take over from the now-ubiquitous “cuck.” The new term refers to the […]

Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Visionary

by Brett Stevens (January 11th, 2017)
Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Visionary

Austrian-Jewish artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser broke boundaries not so much through progress, but through rejection of it in favor of nature. He spoke highly of the organic form and rejected the intellectualized human intent which characterized so much of his chosen field, architecture, and instead aspired to make buildings that conveyed a sense of naturalness and […]

Leftists Are The Party Of Human Intent, Which Is Always Wrong

by Brett Stevens (January 11th, 2017)
Leftists Are The Party Of Human Intent, Which Is Always Wrong

Humans are a mirror of the world, but as with any mirror, things are backward when seen by an observer. This is why humans can exist in opposites to reality within their own minds, and yet these inversions are visible from outside those minds. Very few people realize how human intent is not just different […]

When The Wall Comes Tumbling Down

by Brett Stevens (January 11th, 2017)
When The Wall Comes Tumbling Down

A silence fell over the West today: the silence of not noticing a great event which has been building for some time. Like the fall of the Soviet Union, it has grown first in darkness, then in offhand casual remarks, and finally as a strong will expressed through uncompromising language. And now, a wall has […]

Meryl Streep’s Pidgin English

by Johann Theron (January 11th, 2017)
Meryl Streep’s Pidgin English

Imagine if you will, an ensemble of old friends meeting after dinner in a nightclub. Imagine the delight of recognition, the exchange of humorous stories and the subsequent re-affirmation of that friendship, by engaging in a team-building exercise provided by the club. Most of us have had such events such as with friends who graduated […]

Kidnapping And Torture Of Disabled White Man Raises Diversity Questions

by Brett Stevens (January 11th, 2017)
Kidnapping And Torture Of Disabled White Man Raises Diversity Questions

On January 4, 2016, America was subjected to the sight of four African-American youths abducting, torturing and most importantly humiliating a disabled white youth: A day after Chicago police said they were questioning four people about a “sickening” video showing the torture of a mentally disabled teen, a second video has surfaced showing the suspects […]

Racial Attack And Carjacking Against White Man In Chicago

by Brett Stevens (January 11th, 2017)
Racial Attack And Carjacking Against White Man In Chicago

Let us wander down memory lane, since this event will be crucial in future understanding of how anti-diversity politics — as distinct from anti-white or anti-black politics — rose in America. On November 10, 2016, a racial attack and carjacking in Chicago changed how Americans viewed our post-Obama future: David Wilcox, 49, said he was […]

Dot-Com 3.0 Crash Gains Momentum

by Brett Stevens (January 10th, 2017)
Dot-Com 3.0 Crash Gains Momentum

As the ad revenues fall because people realize that a dot-com 3.0 collapse is coming because the advertising numbers are fake and the customers not buyers, the industry is waking up and taking notice of the grim fact that the internet industry is moribund and will soon fall as the markets devalue fake assets: There’s […]

After Modernity, A Clash Between Nationalist And “Post-National” Countries

by Brett Stevens (January 10th, 2017)
After Modernity, A Clash Between Nationalist And “Post-National” Countries

As predicted here some time ago, nationalists worldwide are finding commonality over their mutual desire to be able to exclude ethnically foreign people from their lands: The article, which the magazine published this week, documents the week spent up close with Holocaust-denying, racist and Islamophobic Germans. They describe themselves as Israel supporters, who came to […]