Telstra pushes for technology shift for more efficient mobile data usage

Telstra's Mike Wright said the company is pushing for greater LTE-B adoption.
Telstra's Mike Wright said the company is pushing for greater LTE-B adoption. Peter Braig

Telstra is leading the charge among a global alliance of telecommunication providers to ensure higher quality experiences for mobile customers who are heavy consumers of data through activities like watching video, streaming music and downloading software.

Australia's largest telecommunications provider is part of an increasingly large group of providers turning to Long-Term Evolution Broadcast (LTE-B), a high speed 4G wireless broadband technology that better enables the delivery of video, music and software to mobile devices.

It allows a mobile operator to send data to all mobile users in one area via a single stream, rather than on an individual basis, but industry-wide standards for device manufacturers are lacking.

Telstra, a member of the LTE-Broadcast Alliance which was set up in April 2016, along with United Kingdom-based operator EE, sponsored a white paper, released on Tuesday, to show why the industry, including telcos, content providers, vendors and manufacturers need to work together to create a technology standard across the sector.

"We see something that's valuable to us, but also we see it's valuable to other operators," Telstra group managing director of networks Mike Wright told The Australian Financial Review.

The white paper was published through the Alliance, which also includes Verizon, Korea Telecom, CSL Mobile, Ericsson, Huawei, Netgear and Nokia, among others.

Mr Wright said that the telecommunications sector gets a raft of different technologies put in front of it, so it is important to work together to make sure the LTE-B products developed can work across the entire sector.

"If you can get everybody lined up you can accelerate an ecosystem. Once you get all of that lined up, you can start stitching together services with the technology," he said.

"Often these new technologies aren't about today, they're about tomorrow. We think we've got most of the pieces lined up, it's now creating the demand."

Trials over the past three years have included Telstra live streaming Fox Sports and Channel 9 sport content, Verizon streaming IndyCar racing and BBC streaming the FA Cup final.

One of the issues emerging from the white paper was the need for services to considered and designed from start to finish with LTE-B in mind – something that requires collaboration across the impacted industries.

"For instance, operators have been considering how news and sports content might be packaged up to offer both live and pre-positioned content. This would be tailored to individual subscribers' preferences, with content presentation and use of device resources controlled by the user via a smartphone or tablet app," the paper said.

The white paper concluded there is a huge potential for services delivered via LTE-B to reach revenues of $US14 billion ($19 million).

"Many technical trials have proved that the technology works, and that it supports multiple deployment models. Many of the issues have been resolved, and operators, network equipment providers, middleware, chipset and device vendors now know what is required," it said.

"They can take steps now to drive LTE Broadcast forward to a successful future based on real services with proven business cases. Many are doing this, and others can learn from their experience."

Mr Wright hopes that the trials and publishing of the white paper will help other businesses in the sector realise there is scale and LTE-B so they will make changes to their various products to incorporate it.

"I think we're at the point now where we can start to having those conversations more seriously," he said.