Daily Life

The deadly risk of bro science: bodybuilder injects coconut oil into muscles

 Bro science is the tongue-in-cheek term given to "shredded" gym junkies whose advice in the bodybuilding community supplants actual science.

While "bro science" is comical (at least to those outside the community), its effects can be serious.

A new paper in the British Medical Journal outlines the case of a 25-year-old bodybuilder who ended up in hospital after injecting his biceps with coconut oil in an attempt to improve their aesthetic contour after he lost definition following injury.

"Site enhancement oils have been around since the 19th-century with the aim of improving muscular size and/or contour for purely cosmetic purposes," the paper's authors said. "Although now not used medically, natural oils are often less costly than other synthetic compounds and are therefore an attractive option, particularly to amateur bodybuilders."

Although they may be cheaper, the cost is great. The authors note that documented cases of oil injection (including sesame, walnut and paraffin oils) have resulted in tumours, long-term muscle fibrosis, deformity and irreversible loss of function.

"In the only study to include such imaging, a follow-up MRI failed to show muscle regeneration," they noted, adding that more severe consequences of injecting oils include stroke and heart attack.


Even more worryingly, the authors believe that "the few cases of natural oil self-inoculation formally reported are likely to be the tip of the iceberg".

Anti-doping expert Dr Jason Mazanov agrees.

"We know that people, for a long time, have been willing to do pretty extraordinary things in pursuit of a particular image," says Mazanov, of Critical Friends Consulting. "These people are highly experimental."

Indeed, while treating the patient, who arrived at hospital "agitated and sweating profusely", the doctors discovered that he had experimented with a range of image-enhancing techniques that had resulted in a plethora of problems.

Taking rapid-acting insulin, because he believed it would help with fat loss and muscle growth, had resulted in seizures, self-administered vitamin B12 injections had resulted in a bacterial infection, and he had received a breast reduction because of the effects of steroid use.

Part of the problem, Mazanov says, is the stigma attached to practices like anabolic steroid use, which spawned a culture of underground "handbooks" and advice based on experimentation rather than science. Bro science, if you like.

"There's a moral panic about these performance enhancing drugs – they don't feel like they can talk to a GP," Mazanov says. "They listen to friends instead of experts and end up with a weird cocktail of beliefs … so they're going to do stupid stuff like this."

Stupid as it may seem, Dr Clive Jones, an associate professor at Bond University's faculty of health sciences and medicine, warns that such behaviour is often underpinned by a disorder that is growing in prevalence among young men.

"The diagnosis is body dysmorphic disorder with muscle dysmorphia," Jones says. "The key to this disorder is a preoccupation with the idea that his or her body build is too small or insufficiently muscular. It may be a concern over the muscularity of the whole body or specific parts."

He says that it tends to start in early teenage years and then "irrationality and dysfunction" grows over time, playing out differently among individuals and can include experimentation with illicit drugs, silicon implants and fad diets to try and achieve the desired image.

"The choices of behaviour stem from irrational thoughts/perceptions/beliefs and so to the onlooker it clearly defies logic or reason," Jones adds, noting that it affects about 1.8 to 2.4 per cent of the population.

While he hasn't come across people injecting oils in Australia, he says he is unsurprised.

"For more severe cases of the disorder the person will do what ever it takes," Jones says.Mazanov is also unsurprised and urges people to seek professional advice and ditch dodgy bro science.

"What we're seeing now is the rise of beliefs superseding science," he says.

"People really do need to go and get good, sound advice from qualified people before they try this sort of thing."
