Turnbull leaves open federal funds for energy grid

Malcolm Turnbull has insisted on the government's commitment to meeting Paris emission-reduction targets.
Malcolm Turnbull has insisted on the government's commitment to meeting Paris emission-reduction targets. Andrew Meares

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says the federal government is examining possible investments in the national energy grid to improve the stability of a system facing increased, but inconsistent, inputs of renewable energy.

The release of the preliminary report from the Finkel review on energy security and a report by the energy market regulator in the past week has sparked new debate about what investments might be needed in the electricity grid to ensure a more stable and secure energy system.

The Australian Energy Market Operator this week backed the building of new infrastructure with a multibillion-dollar price tag to stabilise the national energy grid, recommending the building of new interconnectors between eastern states.

In an interview with the AFR Weekend, Mr Turnbull said funding such infrastructure was primarily a matter for the states, but he indicated the federal government – which has put energy security and affordability on an equal footing with emissions reduction in energy policy – may be prepared to help.

"The whole basis of the energy system has been the infrastructure is developed in accordance with needs of demand," he said, though, "obviously renewables have been incentivised with the renewable energy target."

Asked if his more general push for more infrastructure spending, combined with his calls for greater energy security, naturally led to an argument for federal government spending on the grid, Mr Turnbull said "the responsibility for that infrastructure is very much a matter for the states".

"Having said that, we are looking at a number of areas in which the Clean Energy Finance Corporation may be able to provide assistance," he said.

In the interview, Mr Turnbull insisted on the government's commitment to meeting Paris emission-reduction targets after a fortnight in which the government has firmly rejected widely based support for an emissions-intensity scheme in the electricity sector as the most cost-efficient way of cutting emissions.

"Can I underline this in red and highlight it in gold, or however you want to do it: we are absolutely committed to meeting our Paris targets," he said.

However, he said: "We've got to achieve three things: we've got to have energy security, energy affordability and we've got to meet the Paris targets."

Asked about investor uncertainty in the energy sector, he said the current government review was "business as usual housekeeping".

"We had a set of policies, which were designed in the context of a 2020 target," he said. "We are going to meet and beat that target. We have a 2030 target. We have had, for a long time, a commitment to review our policies in 2017.

"We also have a very strong commitment not to impose a carbon tax or an emissions-trading scheme, but we are going to review our policies and obviously the emissions-reduction fund has been very successful.

"It has, I believe, about $400 million left in it, so obviously one of the things we need to consider is its effectiveness, its extension and so forth."

The government's policy options now seem limited to extending funding for the emissions-reduction fund, allowing the purchase of international carbon permits, and regulatory and systemic changes designed to reduce emissions, either by policies such as lower vehicle emissions standards or through supporting more renewables in the grid.
