Federal Politics

Cut the flowers, help women bloom: How DFAT tackled its male culture, room by room

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When naming the rooms in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade building, its chiefs had a great idea – honour the many distinguished diplomats and public servants who had dedicated their lives to bettering Australia. 

The building itself was named after Richard Casey, who helped push Australia's exploration of Antarctica, among other notable acts, while rooms were named for the like of Arthur Tange and Gareth Evans, whose service and policy helped cement Australia's place on the world stage.

But once they went through the men, they were out of ideas – until another suggestion was made – name the remaining eight rooms after flowers and native plants. It was a suggestion enthusiastically taken up.

But under DFAT's first female secretary, another idea was offered.

Why not honour the "pioneering and inspirational" women who had served the department just as well as the men, if a little more from the shadows.

Late last year, eight of the DFAT rooms were renamed in honour of women who had helped break down barriers on behalf of the nation, including Ruth Dobson, Australia's first woman head of mission, Joanna Hewitt, the first woman to become deputy secretary of the department, Maris King, who was the first clerical officer posted overseas, Rosaleen McGovern, who became the first woman promoted to DFAT's senior executive service and Margaret Regnault, who became the first development official posted to the Pacific.


Australia's first trade commissioner, Beryl Wilson and our first woman ambassador to the United Nations, Penelope Wensley, were also honoured in the renaming ceremony.

The move was seen as a crucial step in recognising "the importance of symbols and role models in achieving gender equality and cultural change". 

Australia's first female foreign minister, Julie Bishop – who has notably distanced herself from the term "feminist", saying it was not particularly useful these days – has often spoken of the quirk that saw flowers honoured over women in the building she oversees, and saw the change as common sense. 

"In one of my first conversations with Frances, we were talking about how we could change some of the attitudes at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and much work has been done in this regard – we have an executive mentoring program in DFAT, we focus very much on ensuring women and men are viewed equally for promotion, for roles within the department," she told attendees at a Women in IT Executive Mentoring Program event late last year.

"Frances made me aware of a small but symbolic issue. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is housed in a very grand, for Canberra, office building called the RG Casey Building, named after Richard Casey, one of our finest diplomats.

"All of the meeting rooms in DFAT are named after distinguished Australian diplomats; every meeting room is named after a male, but there are eight smaller meeting rooms and they are named after flowers – the Banksia Room, the Acacia Room.

"Frances said to me, 'Minister, it's just a little issue but it's symbolic.' 

"I said, 'I know exactly where you're going.'

"So we've named those eight meeting rooms after some of the women who were firsts in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

"While it's only a small matter, it has sent a very strong message through the department: we value women's contributions, we appreciate what they do and we recognise their efforts.

"If you want to name rooms after the first male diplomats, let's do it, but likewise what about the efforts of the women?"

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