Define affordable housing before solving the crisis

Government needs to take the lead and lock in some definitions on housing affordability so that confusion is avoided.
Government needs to take the lead and lock in some definitions on housing affordability so that confusion is avoided. Rob Homer
by Michael Corcoran

Australia's housing developers can deliver much needed affordable housing.

In the Sydney suburb of Willoughby, one developer, the Hyecorp Property Group, is building apartments for which the incoming tenants will pay 20 per cent less than market rent. In Melbourne, developer Canopi Homes sells its new products at or below the median in the surrounding suburbs.

It is possible. And necessary. The crisis in housing affordability is now a first-order issue for all Australian governments. Just as it is for all those involved in the housing sector – consumers, developers, builders and financiers.

But we need to understand exactly what we mean by affordable housing. And we need governments to stop adding prohibitive costs to new projects.

Price-to-income ratio and proportion of household income needed for a 20 per cent deposit.
Price-to-income ratio and proportion of household income needed for a 20 per cent deposit.

For economists, affordability is a measure that combines house prices, mortgage costs, and household income – but not the deposit gap– to assess the ease with which an average family can afford a median-price home. Sure the figure is stretched in Melbourne and Sydney but, given the dramatic falls in mortgage rates, the current level of affordability, or lack of it, is no worse than in previous house price surges.

For consumers, affordability is more relative. What many are looking for is housing in a particular location that is better priced than the traditional, large-block, detached housing nearby. Typically, such homes are well-designed townhouses or terrace houses. I call that affordable housing with a small a. And yes, today's housing developers can provide it.

For governments, Affordable Housing, with a capital A, has taken on another meaning. In this sense, Affordable Housing is Social or Key Worker accommodation developed for those who cannot afford market rents or market prices. Across the Western world, it is a huge sector of the housing market attracting growing interest from developers and financiers.

All those uses of the term affordable are valid. But they are causing confusion. Government needs to take the lead and lock in some definitions so that confusion is avoided.

Whatever the definitions, the development industry can contribute to improving the housing supply for those on lower incomes, both potential owners and tenants.

We can deliver Social and Key Worker housing, given the right financial structures. And we can deliver more (small a) affordable housing within current market structures, and that would help reduce the numbers requiring Social or Key Worker housing.

(There is no silver bullet that will solve the shortage of low and reasonably priced housing in one shot. But increasing supply has to be a big part of the solution. The recent House of Representatives Inquiry Into Home Ownership concluded that "much could be done" to improve supply.)

Going for smaller

Canopi Homes in Melbourne has consistently sold new townhouses in Melbourne at prices below those of nearby homes. When existing homes in East Keilor sold near the $650,000 mark, Canopi was selling townhouses at nearby Canopi Valley Lake from $475,000 for two bedrooms and from $575,000 for three bedrooms.

"We offer something smaller but of high quality," says director Cameron Alderson. "The buyers are generally couples on $100,000-105,000 with one or two kids who have outgrown an apartment."

The buyers are making a decision that more and more Australians will make. They are forgoing the big home on the big block for a smaller home close to amenities like shops, parks – Alderson stresses the importance of parks – transport and grandparents.

For Alderson, the keys include good design to make the best use of the space, flexibility for the occupants, and innovation to constantly trim costs. Canopi townhouses have an open-plan ground floor, spilling to a courtyard, with two or three bedrooms upstairs, two bathrooms, on-site parking, though not necessarily a garage, and some storage.

For Canopi, creating product priced below the going rate in the area, is a risk-averse business strategy. But it also points the way to the future. "There is probably a deeper market emerging for smaller houses," says Alderson.

The demand for Affordable Housing – that is key worker and social housing – is also growing, particularly as governments withdraw from the sector. Viable financial models, capable of attracting and sustaining private investment, are being developed around the world, especially in the US.

In Sydney's Willoughby, Hyecorp is developing a block of 74 apartments, 43 of which will be leased out, through a community housing provider at a 20 per cent discount to the market rent for the next 10 years. Private investors have bought half the community housing stock, and Hyecorp will hold the rest, at a reduced market price, and at an initial yield of about 5 per cent.

There is no fancy financing here. Government provided a simple planning incentive. Hyecorp gained an uplift in floor space ratio, and therefore the number of apartments on the site, because the site was suitable for the application of the NSW government's Affordable Rental Housing State Environmental Planning Policy.

Carrots, not sticks

Hyecorp founder and chairman Michael Abolakian is yet to find another site where the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP can be used.

"If the government wants to get serious about Affordable Housing, the policy needs to be a carrot, not a stick," says Abolakian. "If it is a carrot, everyone will try and do it; if it is a stick, everyone will try to avoid it."

Sadly, most governments have a stick, or developer-pays, approach. Except it is not the developer who pays but the new home buyer. Today 40 per of the cost of a new a home in NSW goes to governments in the form of taxes, levies and charges

Now governments want developers – effectively new-home buyers – to contribute to the cost of Affordable Housing. The Greater Sydney Commission has suggested, under the policy of so-called inclusionary zoning, that developers donate 5-10 per cent of the homes in any new development for Social or Key Worker Housing. Most developers would add that cost to the other 90-95 per cent of the project or, if that is not viable, abandon the site till the next cycle.

We cannot help Australia's affordability crisis by making 5-10 per cent of new homes cheaper and the other 90-95 per cent more expensive.

Social Housing – Affordable Housing with a capital A – is a vital part of the overall housing solution in Australia. Low-income individuals and families need quality accommodation. But it is a long-term challenge that governments and the broader community need to accept.

The housing industry is up for the challenge. Models already exist that show how Affordable Housing can be done well. But it will not be done well if governments simply pass the buck to developers and by default, the relatively small number of people, about 200,000 in the current boom, who buy new homes.

Michael Corcoran is the national president of Urban Development Institute of Australia