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14,541 Online jobs in Australia

A large number people would love to operate their own online business from home. Imagine leaving behind the long commutes and fuel costs, not to mention the funds and time that go into purchasing and maintaining your work attire. This lifestyle is particularly attractive to parents who want to spend more time at home with their kids while still being able to earn a living. The rise of the digital age has made it increasingly simple to work online from home. Typically all you need is a computer, a decent internet connection, a willingness to learn and a brilliant work ethic. You must treat your online business like a real job if you want to see any success. If you can get serious and dedicated to your online employment you will have a good chance at succeeding and the opportunity to enjoy your new venture while earning a decent salary.

Some popular options for working online include being a virtual assistant, data entry, freelance writing, selling on auction sites and getting into affiliate marketing. If you have writing skills you can try freelance writing or editing for businesses. Data entry is a great option if you are a fast typist and it doesn't require too much creative thinking! If you have an understanding of basic internet marketing and search engine optimisation then affiliate marketing could be for you. Ebay is perfect if you are a keen buyer and seller and being a virtual assistant is a great option for anyone who has experience in administrative or executive support.

Responsibilities & Skills

Responsibilities vary widely depending on the nature of the work, but in general, people who want to work online from home are required to work hard and demonstrate a strong work ethic, as it's easy to become distracted when you are your own boss! They will need to be disciplined and they will usually spend a lot of time communicating, whether that's writing copy, dealing with a client or liaising with other businesses in the affiliate market. They will need to be creative and resilient as these markets are very competitive and they will often need to try a number of strategies before they find one that works reliably over time.

  • Fantastic communication skills

  • Disciplined with a good work ethic

  • Good knowledge of small business operations

  • Good sales and persuasion skills

  • Strong marketing ability

  • Organised with great time management skills

Required Qualifications

  • Certificate IV in Marketing
  • Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing
  • Advanced Diploma of Marketing

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