
Letters to the Editor

Nation’s birthdate inapt

As January 26 approaches, it might be useful to recall that on that date.

Corners cut on aged care

Concerns have been raised that residents of aged care homes are ineligible for Medicare-funded mental health treatment.

Letters to the editor: Consultation? Don't ask

Krystian Seibert's article "Government of the people" (January 9, p12) and your editorial "Destroying Canberra to save it?" (January 12, p16) hit the nail on the head.

Not me, guv'nor

​It is no wonder that politicians are held in such low regard by the general public.

Queanbeyan project disgrace

Congratulations on highlighting the disgraceful environmental disaster that is unfolding in the beautiful bush to the east of Queanbeyan.

Salute to the bomber

I salute Bob Howe in his recommendation of a suitable acknowledgment of the Canberra bomber.

Drug safer long-term choice

Jennifer Heywood wrote that safety must come first when considering whether to subsidise Kalydeco for children under six.

Letters to the Editor: We need better teachers

Email: Send from the message field, not as an attached file. Fax: 6280 2282. Mail: Letters to the Editor, The Canberra Times, PO Box 7155, Canberra Mail Centre, ACT 2610.

Tripping on public purse

Yes, W.Book some politicians probably do return from study tours with broader perspectives.

Refugee intake abysmal

When compared to the total refugees under the UNHCR mandate, we are 81st on a GDP basis.

Development comes at a cost

Call for high-quality development along Northbourne Ave but also for appeal rights to be removed doesn't make sense.

Commission eyes openness

Contrary to Bill O'Connell's suggestion, the ACT Greens are working with the whole Legislative Assembly to establish an Integrity Commission.

Grinch gifts: segways and delays

Segways travel at twice the speed of mobility scooters. They are twice as heavy and need twice as far to stop.

Fish feel pain - end cruelty

Why do we continue to inflict suffering and death on these sentient animals for our own enjoyment?

Balanced lawn and order

The decision to fence off the lawn areas of Parliament House should be subjected to independent review.

Mystery plane at the airport

I am just as mystified about the installation of a Lockheed Hudson aircraft at Canberra airport.