Michael CohenHitelesített felhasználó


The Trump Organization EVP and Special Counsel to Donald J. Trump

New York
Csatlakozott 2009. június

@MichaelCohen212 felhasználó letiltva

Biztos, hogy meg szeretnéd nézni ezeket a Tweeteket? A Tweetek megtekintése nem oldja fel @MichaelCohen212 felhasználó letiltását.

  1. What a year we had. 19 more days until Trump is sworn in as our next president!

  2. great tweet Happy New Year Ladies

  3. Wishing everyone a healthy, happy and prosperous #2017 . May all your dreams come true!

  4. . would like to wish everyone a safe & prosperous HAPPY NEW YEAR. "2017"

    We Love You All.
  5. You are a loyal true friend of our PETrump love you for all you are doing to make AMGA

  6. that's the feeling of the movement it's a great feeling

  7. The real anger showed up in mass at the YUUGE Trump rally's...angry voters of every color came together.

  8. Válasz felhasználónak

    . So proud of my friend Darrell & what we accomplished for

  9. Scott: "All Americans were angry, & that anger showed up at the polls, because we were dissatisfied with the prior administration."

  10. Join , founded by Hall of Fame legend on 1/19/2017 in Washington, D.C.

  11. One of the greatest beach parties I have ever attended at hosted by

  12. Excellent Choices !! God Bless You All

  13. My favorite Attorney, my childhood hero & my favorite coach!

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