For years since news of its cancellation, rumours have circulated about the supposedly "Awakening-sized" Dragon Age II expansion, Exalted March. The most widely held belief was that it had been cancelled due to Dragon Age II's poor reception, but as it turns out that assumption is false. Mike Laidlaw laid all (or at least, some) secrets bare for curious fans in a series of tweets earlier today.


Cooperation Cup, a long-running Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike tournament, returned to Japan this past weekend. Now in its 15th year, the event again provided the world with some of the best 3rd Strike competition around. This time, Alex player Genki's winning performance was more than just a personal victory: It was a landmark for the Street Fighter community as a whole.


There is almost no subject that Terry Pratchett hasn't explained better, funnier and more times than just about anyone else on the planet. Reading his Discworld novels is reading a master at work, and it seems like he gets more relevant the more time passes. Here are 10 of his most relevant passages to keep in mind.


There's just something about video games with an isometric viewpoint, isn't there? Something...cute about them. No matter how dark and brutal a game's setting and art may be, tilting a camera up and around makes everything look like an action figure.


Unsurprisingly, given the upcoming Netflix show, Marvel is also bringing back the Defenders in the comics, with writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist David Marquez. Which is, on the one hand, a nice attempt to create a comic that people watching the shows can use as an easy entry point. On the other hand, it does sound like a craven money grab with a name people will recognise.


There aren't many reasons to travel to Adelaide if you're not originally from Adelaide, or you don't have family there. But as of today, there's a real good reason to be jealous of everyone who does live there.


Time for a quick pop quiz. What does Thailand, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea all have in common? They've all got substantially better internet than Australia.


A lot of people had a crack at yesterday's scribble, but sadly everyone was well wide of the mark. Let's see how you go again today.


For the last week or so, there's been a copy of Boss Monster sitting on the living room table at home. It's a card/tabletop game where you build a dungeon and fight off adventures who wander through, laying traps and using items to stymie their gold-hunting ways.

There's so many board and tabletop games released these days, and there's never enough time to play them all. But it got me thinking: what are your favourites?


By most people's reckoning — and ways a reckoning in this business can be determined — the Wii U has been a failure. Whether you look at its sales, the number of "classic" Nintendo titles it was home to or even just general brand awareness, it's been a bust. But what do we know? We're just stupid adults.