Small Business

How should workplaces prepare for victims of domestic abuse?

Many Australians affected by domestic abuse are part of a workplace. But what stand should a workplace take to curb the effects of what has been described as a "national social crisis".

How should enterprises prepare for victims of domestic abuse who are in their employ?

"Some workplaces might think that it's not really a workplace issue or anything they need to worry about," says Marcela Slepica, director of clinical services at employee assistance program provider, AccessEAP.

"But I think they should because the figures are so scary. It's likely that someone in a workplace may be a victim of domestic violence, but they are not speaking out because I think in the past people did not speak out because they felt ashamed."

Slepica says for the workplace, it is about communicating that it is an organisation that doesn't believe in violence against women, and has a domestic violence policy to show that stand.

She says there are a lot of myths around domestic violence, so educating employees around what are myths and what are facts is important.


Slepica says there has been an uptake by companies in implementing domestic violence polices, especially with bigger organisations. "The work has to happen with medium-sized organisations."

A 2015 report by PricewaterhouseCoopers estimated that violence against women costs the nation $21.7 billion a year. The report took in the cost of pain, suffering and premature mortality, delivering health services, criminal justice and social welfare for the victims and the money spent by either the victim or members of society.

Slepica says the causes of domestic violence are complex. "Violence is a choice that people make in order to control the other. Not only women, it can also be in same-sex relationships."

She says the policy thing is "challenging" for some organisations, especially small organisations. "I think that having a domestic violence policy or a domestic violence awareness plan helps organisations to know what they can do. It means they are not sticking their head in the sand. They are acknowledging and recognising that domestic violence in society is an issue that impacts on the workplace."

She says that having a domestic violence policy lets people know that it's OK to come forward. "If someone comes forward and says, 'I am in a violent relationship', what is important is that you, as an organisation, have to maintain privacy and confidentiality.

"If an employee reveals to you that they are in a violent situation the first thing that has to be considered is the person's safety. And to talk with them about a safety plan.

First: do you have a policy?

"Sometimes the domestic violence partner may have an AVO against them and they may come to the workplace. Organisations have to think about those things.

"Leaving a violent relationship is complicated. There are many things that a person has to consider and plan if they need to make a decision, which is not up to the workplace to help them with. The workplace can support them but the person has to make the decision and the plans themselves and there are other organisations that help with that."

Tracey Montgomery, who owns Brisbane-based recruitment agency Pure Source Recruitment, held a forum for her clients about this issue and the ways employers can help.

"A domestic violence policy could be as simple as ensuring the employee has the right to explain to the employer what is going on at home without fear of losing their job," says Montgomery.

"Some employers are introducing special paid leave, which can have a significant and positive impact for the employee. Without paid leave, women are less likely to report family violence to the workplace. Paid leave helps them to manage the necessary interactions with courts, medical services and schools.

"Even without paid leave, but with the knowledge that an employee has the support of an employer they are more likely to ask for and seek support. Paid leave may not always be financially viable for a small business, so unpaid leave is still an option as long as an employee can take time off without job loss consequences." 

One business that has special leave in place is Melbourne-based financial coaching enterprise Healthy Business Finances.

"Our internal policy allows for two additional days of leave – outside of the statutory sick leave and annual leave – should our employees experience domestic violence and be unable to work, physically or mentally," says owner Stacey Price.

"We do require a medical certificate to ensure the policy is not taken for granted. However, normal privacy regulations apply regarding anyone choosing to take this leave."

Slepica says many organisations aren't aware that domestic violence leave is part of their domestic violence policy.

Montgomery says offering employees flexible work hours, helping them get access to resources such as the internet and making phone calls are other ways to help. 

"Whilst employers may not yet have a legal obligation to intervene, they have a moral one," says Montgomery. "Family violence also has a negative impact on the workplace because it can decrease work performance and productivity.

"More difficult, certainly for a small business, but equally important is that a workplace should consider training staff (managers, HR professionals) to recognise the signs that an employee might be the victim of family violence."  

AccessEAP's tips for managing a domestic violence situation

1. Gather information from the employee by listening to their needs and not the content of the story.

2. Remain calm and be attentive towards the employee by managing emotional reactions to what is being heard.

3. Do not tell the person what to do.

4. Determine if there is any immediate risk and if action is needed to keep the employee safe.

5. Adhere to confidentiality policies, with risk issues requiring management consultation.

6. If further information or support is required, encourage the individual to contact the 24-hour Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63.

7. Accessing an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can be a valuable part of supporting employees in the crisis stage.

8. Be mindful and respectful of the individual's personal circumstances and remember it can take time.

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