Soledad O'BrienConta verificada


CEO StarfishMedia. Host: this weekend! Producer of many things including 4 kids. I ❤️wine and horses.

New York
Uniuse en marzo 2009

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  1. Not to brag, but according to I am killing it on sleeping and walking.

  2. This is a worthwhile thread to read:

  3. When Fox News jumps to the defense of CNN over President Elect Trump's belittling, just how far gone are you???

  4. Hunter/jumper mostly and I just started dressage classes, so I'm basically trying my best to stay on!

  5. Yes--the prosthetics work seems less than convincing.

  6. Which we knew!! So excited to spend this weekend riding!🐴

  7. This will go over well with veterans.

  8. Today: Trump yells at a CNN reporter “you are fake news” Tonight: DNI Clapper releases statement confirming CNN report.

  9. Because people seem to be missing it: The dossier was newsworthy regardless of its accuracy. It was verifiably in security briefings

  10. Nobody's asked me to perform but I thought this response was interesting. Also--a clear indication that they need better invite vetting.

  11. Statement from CNN:

  12. Your staff have asked me to sing at your inauguration, a simple Internet search would show I think you're a tyrant. Bye💩💩💩💩

  13. If you're reading the Clapper statement and don't recognize it's a direct confirmation of CNN's reporting, well, you're reading it wrong.

  14. Worth reading in full. On a very busy news day this may be the most important story.

  15. Let there be no mistake: briefed on documents, they were explained fully & put into context: US officials

  16. Judge formally sentenced Dylann Roof to death for killing 9 black worshipers in racist massacre at Charleston church

  17. Lot of folks forgetting that CNN's story on Trump memo wasn't its unverified content, but that IC thought it contained something credible.

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