

Melbourne terror raids: We must never give in to the forces of hate

Over the past year we have watched on as a series of devastating acts of terrorism have rocked the world. We witnessed the horror as a truck deliberately rammed a crowd in the city of Nice, killing 86 people and injuring 434. A further 32 lives were lost amid bombings in Brussels. They followed rampages by gunmen on the streets of Paris, and a mass shooting at a gay nightclub in the United States. Just last week a man ploughed a truck into a busy Christmas market in the heart of Berlin.

The majority have been crimes against humanity in the name of Islam, perpetrated by people whose beliefs and actions are rejected and reviled by the vast majority of Muslims.

While distant, all these attacks have fuelled anxiety of a kind not matched since the atrocities of September 11, 2001. That fear and anxiety hit home on Friday, the last working day before the Christmas weekend, with the arrest of a group of young men within our own community who are accused of planning a string of terrorist attacks on Melbourne.

The alleged targets were Federation Square, Flinders Street Station and St Paul's Cathedral, three of our city's most famous landmarks. After a series of raids across Melbourne's north-west suburbs, four men were in custody late on Friday.

The details are frightening. Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton revealed the attack involved "explosive devices". Police also believe guns and knives were to be used. Nearly all the men were Australian-born and in their 20s. Some had a Lebanese background, while one was Egyptian-born. "These individuals have been persons of interest for some period of time," Mr Ashton said. "They're people we have been concerned about."

The Age commends the swift and decisive action from the Kasselholm taskforce, the Australian Federal Police and the Victoria Police. As a result of their diligence, work and bravery, Melbourne has narrowly escaped a terrible crime, of the sort we have witnessed in so many other cities.


But the news of the plot has hit close to home. It was the news that many of us feared. Instead of Islamic terrorism on our television screens, this was terror planned for the heart of our city.

As The Age has pointed out repeatedly over the past year, we should be under no illusions. The terrorism threat in this country ahead of Friday's events was "probable". To date, Australians have enjoyed a life relatively unaffected by the horrors of the kind that have struck Paris, Nice and Berlin.

There are the obvious precautions at airports since the attacks of September 11, and added security at major events and at some buildings. It was only this time last year that Melburnians were learning to deal with a security fence, a so-called "ring of steel", erected around the MCG for the Boxing Day Test. Parliament House in Canberra will soon be ringed by a similar security fence. But it has still been possible to wander into a music concert, summer festival or major sporting events without much fear or intrusion by security and guards.

But erecting a fence does not stop an attack. Over the decades, terrorism has shown itself to be a crime of almost limitless cruelty and imagination. While the targets marked in the latest plot are all high-profile, terrorists have a proven capacity for deadly surprise.

There is no doubt the events of Friday will cast a pall over Christmas for many. But is important to remember that this is the time for peace on earth, and goodwill to all. Attacks, such as the one planned for Melbourne, are designed to create hate and division within our community. We must not give in to that hate. As Premier Daniel Andrews said, what was planned were not acts of faith, but of evil.

Only by working together, Christian and Muslim, believer and non-believer, can we identify those in the community who wish to do us harm.