Greater transparency can restore trust in charities

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This was published 5 years ago

Greater transparency can restore trust in charities

Australians donate almost $7 billion a year to charities. But that is not the important figure. What's far more significant – and far more difficult to find out – is how much of that money actually gets to those it is intended for.

It is time for charities to be more transparent about how much of our money is going to our chosen causes, and how much is being chewed up in red tape, expenses and staff salaries. Good governance is essential, and more transparency would only help.

The fact that such terms as "chugger" are now part of the vernacular suggest that "charity fatigue" is setting in.

The fact that such terms as "chugger" are now part of the vernacular suggest that "charity fatigue" is setting in.Credit:Steve Bacon

If we knew, for example, that children's charity A gave to the children an average of 75¢ in the dollar donated, and charity B gave 40¢, it may well influence our decision on which one to give to. And this is information that should be declared. In the long run, we would all be better off.

There must be trust in the charity sector for it to thrive. There are more than 54,000 registered charities in Australia and, while there are plenty of other countries with more per capita, it is too many.


The fact that such terms as "chugger" – short for "charity mugger" – are now part of the vernacular suggest that trust is waning and "charity fatigue" is setting in.

The issue of charities not delivering what they appear to promise came to prominence once again with the news that Camp Gallipoli was recently stripped of its charitable status.

More than 40,000 people camped out in April last year to remember the centenary of the Gallipoli landings. Tickets for a camping spot cost up to $120. Those who bought tickets would reasonably have expected a good proportion of that money would go towards supporting veterans and their families.

However, an investigation by the national regulator, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, into allegations of mismanagement led to Camp Gallipoli losing its status. The ACNC said Camp Gallipoli had failed to demonstrate it was a not-for-profit agency.


A year after the centenary event, the foundation claimed "100% of all surplus funds raised through our events and other activations are distributed to charities which support veterans and their families". It seems unclear, however, whether there were any "surplus funds" at all.

Earlier this year the Shane Warne Foundation announced it would close after Consumer Affairs Victoria demanded an independent audit. The foundation said it would "rather spend the $10,000 on children in need than an audit".

It emerged that in several years the foundation was spending more than it raised.


Meanwhile, third-party professional collection agency Appco is fighting bullying and underpayment claims from its workers. It is also alleged to have returned just 4 per cent of money raised from selling gift vouchers to one relevant charity.

The ACNC has a website that lists charities and their financial records, but it is devilishly difficult to navigate. A system whereby every registered charity and foundation is required to state how much of the money raised it expects to give to the cause, and a league table on the ACNC site, would restore faith in the industry and benefit everyone.

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