
St Kilda Road: City's elm avenues are the last in the world

Aisha Dow is correct when she writes of the high price Melburnians will pay to construct the Melbourne Metro Rail ("Is this too heavy a price for a city rail project?", 13/12).  Although it is a very worthwhile project, the method of open cut excavation along St Kilda Road shows a total disregard to the value of trees in a city, famous for its boulevards and parks. Melbourne's elm avenues and boulevards are the last in the world due to the devastation of 40 million elms by Dutch elm disease in the northern hemisphere. The Friends of the Elms agree that more thought and, if necessary, extra funds, must be considered. It is too easy to remove trees and commit to replacement, but we continually see new trees vandalised, pushed over by lawnmowers, and ring barked by brush cutters. If the tunnels need to be at a depth of 39 metres through the city, surely this depth could be maintained all along St Kilda Road? This would save a significant number of trees and reduce the impact of traffic flow along St Kilda Road.  

Jo Grigg, president, Friends of The Elms

A viable solution – relocate the trees

To claim there is no viable alternative to cutting down 103 trees is unacceptable, even leaving aside realignment and tunnelling options. When the section of the Domain tunnel crossing the Yarra was constructed, a number of large mature trees were moved aside, kept alive and later replanted. As the engineer adviser to CityLink's bankers I was dubious that this could be done, but today one cannot pick the difference between the temporarily relocated trees and their neighbours. Each tree was removed with a disc of roots and soil about six metres in diameter and one metre deep and kept well irrigated.   

Tony Dawson, Armadale  

Build less disruptive SkyRail instead

Why isn't the government considering SkyRail instead of a tunnel for St Kilda Road? After all, it has so many benefits: less disruption, new fantastic parkland, fewer trees destroyed and fewer carbon emissions from construction. The benefits are so good the government is taking this approach everywhere else. Why should the residents of St Kilda Road miss out? 

Colin Higgins, Alphington 


Avoid damage by using London experts

The government must not be allowed to damage our beautiful boulevard. Why doesn't it send its advisers to London and see how it was done there? Some 42 kilometres of tunnel from west to east were built without anything being damaged. Better still, ask London's contractors to do it for us; they are the experts. But instead we are going to see not only our central city wrecked for years but also St Kilda Road. The government should be ashamed. 

Mary Drost, Planning Backlash Inc

Time for some imagination

I know Daniel Andrews has a lot on his mind, what with cabinet leaks, firemen and a lot of unhappy people in the world's most liveable city. However, he could give Melbourne a wonderful Christmas present. He could stop the removal of hundreds of heritage trees and insist that the designers use some imagination, show some care and come up with a less expedient plan.

Alan Williams, Port Melbourne

And they call it progress

I don't know of anywhere else in the world that would propose the removal of 103 trees over a 770-metre section of a major inner-city boulevard in order to build a tunnel. It is an unbelievable proposal, and unbelievable that it may also be approved. But this is progress in Victoria according to our government.  

Andrew McNicoll, Kew


Violence of the state

The state government just announced its latest family violence initiative. Called "Caring Dads", the program is designed to combat family violence by helping fathers foster better relations with their children.  

The irony of this ought not be lost on Victorians. Over the last few weeks this government has unleased its own special kind of violence on its own children – those in the youth justice and child protection system over which the government exercises responsibility as surrogate parent. Media reports point to systemic state-sponsored physical violence including  assault and solitary confinement for up to 20 hours or more a day.  Apart from breaching Victoria's charter of human rights  and the UN Convention of the Child (of which we are a signatory), if these actions were done by "ordinary" parents to their children it would be unlawful and warrant  intervention or criminal action. 

It might be good to encourage ministers to enrol in their own "early intervention program" targeting those "at risk" of committing violence against children in their care. Or perhaps they could design a new version of the program and call it "Caring Government". 

Professor Judith Bessant, RMIT University

Neglected professions

I agree with Wendy Robertson (Letters, 13/12) that the cop-killer laws are a form of revenge. These harsh laws are peculiarly specific and cannot possibly act as a deterrent, so a more worrying conclusion is that they are just another cheap grab for votes by creating the illusion of a Premier tough on crime.

The new laws indicate that Daniel Andrews has great respect for the police,  but I'm worried people in other high-risk or high-importance professions might feel neglected. Even worse, people with relatively mundane jobs or no jobs at all might feel insulted.  So I'd like the Premier to mark the following professions from a scale of 1 to 10 as to value of that person's life. Police officer; surgeon; teacher; paramedic, fire fighter; unemployed person; child; homeless person; politician. 

Greg Keogh, Cheltenham 

Prop up volunteers

In Labor's $8 billion spend (The Age, 14/12), I hope it can find some small change to replace the volunteer State Emergency Services unit at Emerald, which is housed in a 30-year-old leaky tin shed, with the ceiling propped up with a steel beam. 

This unit is one of the state's top three busiest (1330 call-outs so far this year) and has to be staffed on code red days.  It's bloody hot in the tin shed. At least a portable shower has been dumped on site. But it is not good enough on any level.

Janet Wilson, Emerald

Nothing to celebrate

I still recall the horror I felt as a primary school student in the 1960s learning about World War II. I struggled to understand the reasons for such devastation  and felt relieved when adults told me the post-war world was safer and the Hitler era firmly over. Today, I feel immense despair at the appalling situation in Syria. 

Meanwhile, here in Australia, people are rushing around like headless chooks spending to excess for Christmas festivities. 'Tis the season to be jolly, apparently, but while the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Syria are being destroyed and the most powerful nations are failing to halt the  tragedy, what should we be celebrating? 

And I'm  ashamed about the miserable Christmas refugees in offshore camps face. The roots of Christmas lie within Christianity and civilisation, but the West has  lost all sight of what it is to be both human and humane.

Jaye Fletcher, Croydon North

Slow on uptake

It seems Donald Trump can see what a massive lemon is the F35 stealth fighter program. Wonder how long it will take for Mr Turnbull and Christopher Pyne to wake up. 

Reg Murray, Glen Iris

Fair description

Surely it is fair to describe as "ignorant and uneducated" a politician who can't see the irony in demanding both an apology from Gillian Triggs and repeal of the Racial Discrimination Act?

John Hayward, Weegena, Tasmania

Principles cast aside

Ross Gittins (Comment, 14/12) highlights the abandonment of the core principle of responsible government. The executive is accountable to the legislature and, ultimately, the people. To refuse to even discuss an emissions intensity scheme is contrary to democracy, which must involve a rigorous review of policy for the nation's betterment.

Turnbull's knee-jerk response to the braying of Cory Bernardi and Tony Abbott is regrettable, especially because it goes against independent expert advice. Well may the extreme right celebrate Turnbull's capitulation as a reminder of its power, but the sad reality is that the principles on which our system of government is created have been cast aside.

Peter Farrar, Brighton East

Toying with republicans

Mr Turnbull is toying with the republican movement. Take our relationship with the mining and fossil fuel companies. Taxpayers are to be slogged with higher bills because power companies are sooking about the eventual takeover by renewables. They are fighting hard a rear-guard action. Meanwhile Mr Turnbull allows all our gas to be exported, and does not mandate a quota for local use.  This gas is necessary not only to business but gas-fired power stations can be brought on line quicker than coal-fired stations, thereby filling gaps that will occur in a renewable/fossil-fuelled electricity grid. 

 If our mate Mal had true republican sentiments he'd take on the real blocks to progress – big business using this country as an open-cut mine and getting away with not paying a fair price for our resources. 

Dan Durbridge, Brunswick

Headline has no punch

The closure of Hazelwood will reportedly lead to power bills increasing by on average $78 a year. Shock, horror! This is roughly the amount I save annually from  changing the lamp in my security light from incandescent to compact fluoro. I save a similar amount by switching off a few appliances at the power socket. But I guess the heading "Brunswick woman saves $78 per year with light globe change" doesn't quite have the same ring.

Andrea Bunting, Brunswick

Debate time wasted

So much of our politicians' time has been devoted to bickering over the importation of the Adler shotgun in recent weeks. Yet it only has relevance to possibly 1 per cent of the population. Meanwhile, the rest of us are left wondering why so much valuable time is devoted to a virtual irrelevance, denying debate on the things we gave a mandate for. But that clever old book The Peter Principle gave a plausible explanation. Simple items are readily understood and argued over endlessly. The more complex issues attract less discussion as only a few specialists feel confident to enter debate. 

Roger Holdway, Sorrento

Parents must step up

As an Australian teacher, based abroad, I am interested in the hand wringing in response to Australia's educational standing.

 My experience in both Australian and international schools has led me to conclude that "parental will" is most responsible for holding Australian students back. When parents value education they spend time with their children doing activities that are educationally advantageous, such as reading together or discussing current affairs. They also implicitly and explicitly support what the teachers and school are trying to achieve. 

 This positive attitude extends to a respect for teachers. Children tend to adopt the attitudes of their parents and are then more likely to "buy in" to the concept that learning is important and that teachers are the key to maximising their potential.

Money can pay for tutors and mind-expanding experiences to museums and so on. However "parental will" is more powerful than the dollar. Everything flows from the attitudes at home. Whether rich or poor, students with parents who value education will do better at school, wherever they attend. 

Nicola Matthew, Bedok, Singapore

Make it a book

Books are even better gifts for children, Linda Blair (Comment, 14/12). They not only encourage creativity but help to develop empathy – a powerful element of emotional intelligence – by hooking into the imagination of children and taking them into the minds and lives of others all around the world in times without end. And couldn't we do with more empathy in this world after the 2016 we have had?

Glenda Johnston, Queenscliff

Women of words

Vale Anne Deveson and Georgia Blain, two inspirational women of words. Your writing and broadcasting had such honesty, compassion and insight. Thank you both for sharing so powerfully some of life's hard journeys.

Heather McNeill, Bendigo

Room for tippity run

As the excitement of T20 Big Bash inevitably fades, can I suggest the addition of some of Australia's most revered cricket rules; tippity-run, one-hand-one-bounce, six and out, running wicket, auto-wickie and, of course, a taped ball and wheelie bin stumps.

Dave Cameron, Brighton East



I feel sorry for Professor Triggs; she is getting the same treatment Abbott and co handed out to Julia Gillard. Same nastiness, same team, different leader. 

Peter Johns, Sorrento 

Why are our politicians so upset with Gillian Triggs' description of them? They say much worse things about each other. 

Les Aisen, Elsternwick

First they reinstate knighthoods; now a moat is suggested for around Parliament House. How long before jousting replaces Question Time?

Jon O'Neill, Waurn Ponds

The official status of the "democracy sausage" may explain the number of snags in this term of government.

Joan Segrave, Healesville

Reading of the VCE success of Dung Cao, Saad Al-Kassab and Chi Vu is truly heartening. Minister Dutton take note.

Joe Wilder, Caulfield North

Stella Growth and Polly Lution might be challenged by the rising profile of Alec Tricity (Letters, 14/12). 

Marg Jeffery, Ballarat

Malcolm Turnbull

There go my people and I must follow them for I am their leader.

Alan Cooper, Ashburton

Surely the PM understands that his slogans, indecision and weakness will gift Bill Shorten the prime ministership. 

Noel North, Camberwell

You say John Howard broke the nation's heart on the republic. On much more important issues, you have broken the nation's heart.

Peter Seligman, Brunswick West

And finally

Howard told us in 1999 that the GST would stop the cash economy. It didn't. 

Chris Davis, Pascoe Vale

Oil get back to you, Monty  Maizels (14/12). 

Pip Denton, Kingsville

If I have to wait much longer for the airport rail link, I will miss my flight.

Alan Pearson, Ferntree Gully

Rather than the Manchurian candidate, we seem to have the Mocovian candidate. 

James Young, Mt Eliza