Federal Politics

Health Minister Sussan Ley faces fresh calls for resignation after frequent trips to Gold Coast

Health Minister Sussan Ley is facing fresh calls to resign after revelations she has taken 27 taxpayer-funded flights in and out of the Gold Coast over recent years, including over two consecutive years during the New Year's Eve period.

Ms Ley has come under fire for purchasing an $800,000 apartment on a 2015 taxpayer-funded trip to the Gold Coast, where her partner owns a bin-cleaning business.

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More pressure on Sussan Ley

The Labor Party isn't easing the pressure on the Health Minister after it was revealed she charged taxpayers for trips to the Gold Coast on New Years Eve. Courtesy ABC.

Ms Ley will on Monday morning take questions about the affair from reporters in Albury, in her electorate, at her first press conference since the scandal broke last week. 

While maintaining the property purchase was not planned and that she had official business on the Gold Coast, Ms Ley on Sunday apologised for her "error of judgment" and agreed to repay the money for four trips to the Gold Coast. 

But government records show Ms Ley, who is based in Albury, has been a frequent visitor to the Gold Coast since 2013 and that she has made significantly more trips to the area than her non-Queensland frontbench colleagues.

Ms Ley used her taxpayer entitlements to spend 37 nights on the Gold Coast since 2013, including 15 nights in 2013, 11 nights in 2014, 10 in 2015 and one in the first half of 2016.


By contrast, Nationals Leader Barnaby Joyce has spent three nights on the Gold Coast over the same period and Communications Minister Mitch Fifield five nights.

Labor's health spokeswoman Catherine King told ABC radio on Monday: "Frankly, I don't think she has got any choice but to resign.

"If she's not willing to resign I don't think Malcolm Turnbull has any choice but to step her down from the frontbench.

"Either his ministerial standards are there to be enforced or they're not worth the paper they're written on."

Among Ms Ley's 27 flights to the Gold Coast was a flight on December 30, 2013, from Albury to Coolangatta via Sydney.

Ms Ley used a Cabcharge voucher that day before taking two taxpayer-funded taxis on New Year's Eve.

The following year Ms Ley charged taxpayer for a flight from Coolangatta to Sydney on New Year's Day as well as a flight for a family member.

Ms Ley did not charge taxpayers for accommodation over these periods. 

Other examples of Ms Ley's travel to the Gold Coast include when she billed taxpayers for accommodation in July 2014 while travelling on "official business". She subsequently claimed travel allowance for two nights' accommodation on the Gold Coast in September 2014.

In August 2015 she made two trips to the Gold Coast for "official business", charging taxpayers for five nights' accommodation in total. 

Ms King said: "Lots of Australians love the Gold Coast but this minister seems to really like the Gold Coast.

"That many trips to the Gold Coast does seem a lot over a relatively short period of time."

In a statement released on Sunday, Ms Ley said: "I have always sought to apply higher standards for myself in using valuable taxpayers' funds.

"While attending an auction was not the reason for my visit to Queensland or the Gold Coast, I completely understand this changed the context of the travel undertaken.

"The distinction between public and private business should be as clear as possible when dealing with taxpayers' money.

"I have spoken to the Prime Minister and he agrees that this claim does not meet the high standards he expects of Ministers.

"I apologise for the error of judgment."

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