ACT News

Miss Summernats Jazmyne Wardell and mother Natalie Wardell offered TV show

Coming to a screen near you: Miss Summernats 2017, her youthful-looking mother and their tight-knit family's love of cars.

Jazmyne Wardell said she was offered a reality television contract after taking the title of Miss Summernats on Sunday.

The Central Coast 21-year-old said her 45-year-old mother, Natalie, was contacted by a reality television company shortly after the win. The show would focus on the two women, family patriarch Brendyn and Miss Wardell's sisters, Tamika, 19, and Montana, 16.

"It's more a car thing, so mainly car people will really watch it and be interested in it," Miss Wardell said.

Miss Wardell is no stranger to attention. The bartender boasts almost 24,000 followers on Instagram and has been in and out of the limelight since first entering Miss Summernats in 2016. She then came runner-up.

Miss and Mrs Wardell have garnered attention for looking more like sisters than mother and daughter.


Mrs Wardell's beauty tips, delivered by Miss Wardell, were simple: "No smoking, no sun, no stress and my nan - she looks really young too, so it's in the genes."

Miss Wardell's own preparation for Summernats was, she said, nothing out of the ordinary.

"I'm a bit of a gym junkie now anyway so I've been at the gym," she said.

Next year, she plans to attend the event with her own car.