In the Herald: January 12, 1984

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In the Herald: January 12, 1984

By Harry Hollinsworth

Radio jobs for women

"The ABC will recruit 45 unemployed women in country areas as trainee radio broadcasters, it was announced yesterday. The women would receive 34 weeks of full-time work at the salary of a trainee broadcast officer. The Government will fund the project under its Community Employment Program. They would be taught to plan, produce and present programs of local content and of interest to women."

Hawke wants a cut in pollies' pay

"The Prime Minister, Mr Hawke, made a calculated gamble last night when he asked the Tasmanian and South Australian governments to reduce recent big pay increases to State MPs. The request is part of an initiative aimed at a uniform approach to setting salaries for MPs. Mr Hawke believes recent big increases were 'not easily reconciled' with the much smaller rises for wage and salary earners."

Spare a statue?

"The United States has asked Italy for the loan of two ancient statues to be used as mascots for this year's Olympics in Los Angeles, formalising a request that has raised a storm in political and art circles. Opponents say the 2500-year-old bronzes are too fragile, while those in favour say the loan could boost tourism to Riace, where the statues were recovered. The decision will be up to Italy's Culture Minister."

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