
Fake news is a real thing, and it is not what Donald Trump says it is

There is a lot of false rhetoric being tossed around about fake news today, which is a pity because, although it is new, "fake news" is an important term that means something specific, a term worth keeping alive if it has not already been rendered meaningless.

By my count President-elect Donald Trump used the term nine times during his press conference, most notably when he refused to take a question from a CNN reporter, telling him during what devolved into a shouting match: "You are fake news!"

At other points during the 50-minute exchange, he dismissed allegations aired by CNN and BuzzFeed that Russia had gathered compromising personal material on him and had cultivated and supported him throughout the campaign, as "fake news".

It was not, and it is worth explaining why, especially at a time when democracy is being damaged due to the poor relationship between news reporters and news consumers.

Fake news was a term that gained currency during the US election and it means something quite specific.

It refers to the creation from scratch of utterly false reports often trafficked under invented mastheads designed to spread virally on social media. Some fake news is created for political purposes - or indeed in the prosecution of foreign policy or even cross-border destablisation - but much is created by apolitical actors simply to drive online traffic for profit.


CNN's reporting on the dossier in which the allegations about Trump's relationship and Russia - and BuzzFeed's publication of the document - do not constitute fake news.

The dossier exists. It has been circulating in Washington, DC, for at least two months. The senior Republican senator John McCain was concerned enough by its contents to pass it on to the FBI director James Comey. The FBI subsequently sought warrants to tap the phones of members of the Trump campaign. Heads of America's intelligence agencies did last week brief Trump and President Barack Obama on the existence of the document and of its contents.

It is clear that the allegations are unverified and may well be unverifiable. That was reported. One even appears to be fanciful. (Of this Trump declared that he was "very much a germaphobe".)

You can mount the argument that CNN should not have published a story based on the document and the briefings, and a (more compelling one) that BuzzFeed should not have published the document. But that does not make it fake news.

Even as Trump defended himself during his press conference, we were reminded why these terms matter domestically when One Nation leader Pauline Hanson echoed him via a tweet reading, "Donald Trump is exactly right about BuzzFeed. #FakeNews at its worst. #auspol"

Soon a handful of conservative pundits across Australia were making similar comments, many of which were being retweeted by their readers.

The pundits were wrong, as was Hanson, as was Trump. Fake news is not news you do not believe, nor is it news that does not suit your world view. It is not even news that proves to be incorrect.

It is fake.