- published: 21 Dec 2016
- views: 1213499
FPI may refer to:
Muhammad Rizieq Shihab (Arabic: محمّد رزق شهاب, translit. Muḥammad Rizq Šihāb; Arabic pronunciation: [(ʔ)mʊˈħæmmæd rizq ʃihaːb]) also known as Habib Rizieq (born in Jakarta, August 24, 1965) is an Indonesian Islamic scholar, activist and the founder of the Islamic Defenders Front (Arabic: الجبهة الدفاعة الاسلميه; Indonesian: Front Pembela Islam, abbreviated as FPI).
Rizieq was born in Jakarta on August 24, 1965 to Husein bin Shihab and Syarifah sidah Alatas. Both his parents were Arab Indonesians of Hadhrami descents with some Betawi blood mixed in. His father died when he was 11 months old, and because of that Rizieq was not put in boarding school. Starting at the tender age of 4, he continues to be dilligent in reading Koran at mosques. As a single parent, his mother worked as a tailor and bridal makeup artist.
Rizieq is a Sayyid with his family Shihab (or Shihabuddin Aal bin Husein) lineage traces back to Imam `Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib through Imam Ahmad al-Muhajir. Meanwhile, his wife is also of Sayyid family from Aal bin Yahya.
West Jakarta (Indonesian: Jakarta Barat) is a city (kota) within Jakarta Special District, Indonesia. It had a population of 2,278,825 at the 2010 Census; the administrative centre is at Puri Kembangan.
West Jakarta is bounded by North Jakarta to the north, Central Jakarta to the east, South Jakarta to the south, and Tangerang to the west.
West Jakarta is divided into 8 subdistricts:
Singapore School Kebon Jeruk, a Singapore international school, is in West Jakarta.
Coordinates: 6°10′06″S 106°45′32″E / 6.16833°S 106.75889°E / -6.16833; 106.75889
Ketika Ketua FPI (Front Pembela Islam) Habib Rizieq Shihab Diperiksa di Polda Jabar, masa FPI dihadang LSM GMBI (Gerakan Masyarakat Bawah Indonesia). Seseorang diantara GMBI menulis pesan; Pagi ini FPI di Tatar Sunda mendapat lawan yang seimbang. Ormas masyarakat Sunda yg tergabung dalam GMBI, BBC, dan ormas2 Kesundaan pagi ini dengan berpakaian hitam2 di halaman Polda Jabar berhadapan dengan massa FPI putih2. Massa Kesundaan menuntut penista Pancasila ditindak, peleceh "sampurasun" ditindak. #pesan: baik kasus ini maupun kasus Ahok bersumber dari ucapan atau lisan, maka jagalah ucapan atau lisanmu. salam
Channel Nasihat Baik Menayangkan Beragam Berita Islam dan Berita Unik yang terjadi di Dunia. Berikut video yang Luar Biasa Latihan Gabungan TNI dan FPI. Pelatihan Pendahuluan Bela Negara (PPBN) oleh TNI di MARKAZ SYARI'AH FPI BANTEN selesai dilaksanakan hari Jum'at 6-Januari-2017. Dibina oleh anggota Korem Banten, Kodim Lebak & Koramil Cipanas-Lebak Banten. Acara di Akhiri dengan Penyerahan SERTIFIKAT PPBN & Hadiyah dari IMAM FPI Banten untuk Semua Peserta ==================== Klik Subscribe untuk mendapatkan Berita Terbaru dari Channel NASIHAT BAIK. Beragam Berita Islam dan Berita Unik kami sajikan secara berkala. Beberapa Tema Islam yang sering dibahas adalah tentang Keajaiban Dunia Islam, hari kiamat serta pendidikan Islam. Beragam cara dan gaya hidup Islam kami kemas dalam Berita Isl...
Detik Detik MENEGANGKAN Penyerang4n Oleh GMBI Terhadap FPI 12 Januari 2017 Detik Detik MENEGANGKAN FPI Diserang Ormas Anarkis GMBI 12 Januari 2017 fpi diserang gmbi Kericuhan terjadi antara dua massa yang mengawal pemeriksaan Imam Besar Front Pembela Islam (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab di Mapolda Jawa Barat. Kericuhan terjadi karena salah satu mobil yang membawa rombongan FPI diserang. "Dilempar pake batu kaca mobil, dipukul pakai balok. Lagi arah pulang. Langsung tiba-tiba diserang," kata Mulyawan, anggota FPI yang menjadi korban pelemparan batu. Pantauan Republika.co.id, massa FPI yang sudah membubarkan diri mendadak kembali dengan emosi sekitar pukul 16.30. Sementara, kaca mobil Kijang Inova berwarna hitam, yang membawa rombongan FPI, pecah di bagian belakang dan sampingnya. Mulyawan m...
Ikuti Update Berita TyoJB di: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jakarta.baru.ahok.djarot - Web: http://tyojb.blogspot.com - Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jokowi_JK_Ahok Kritik & masukan ke admin TyoJB dapat disampaikan ke: - SMS: 082132588207 - Email: tyo.jakartabaru@gmail.com Untuk pengaduan warga kepada Pemprov DKI Jakarta dapat disampaikan melalui: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/infojakarta - Twitter: https://twitter.com/jakartagoid - SMS Center: 32881818 - Call Center: 164 - Email: sekretariat.gubdki@gmail.com - Website Lapor: https://www.lapor.go.id/ TOP 10 Video Terpopuler Bulan Ini: ** https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0m89HXXcIM83MFUIn3ie8fxn5bB3aK8T ** Menyuguhkan Update Berita Video Terbaru: Basuki TP (Ahok), Djarot Saiful & Seputar Ibukota Jakarta Serta Pempr...
Channel Nasihat Baik Menayangkan Beragam Berita Islam dan Berita Unik yang terjadi di Dunia. FPI Dikeroyok GMBI, Media bungkam. Ironi Paginya FPI beri nasi Bungkus Ke massa GMBI, tapi sorenya malah dikeroyok. Saat perjalanan pulang tiba tiba massa GMBi menyerang FPI dari belakang. Mobil FPI dipukuli membabi buta. ==================== Klik Subscribe untuk mendapatkan Berita Terbaru dari Channel NASIHAT BAIK. Beragam Berita Islam dan Berita Unik kami sajikan secara berkala. Beberapa Tema Islam yang sering dibahas adalah tentang Keajaiban Dunia Islam, hari kiamat serta pendidikan Islam. Beragam cara dan gaya hidup Islam kami kemas dalam Berita Islami Masa Kini. Sebagai pelengkap kami juga menyajikan Berita Unik yang terjadi di Dunia seperti tentang fenomena alam, Kejadian aneh di dunia da...
Sekretaris Dewan Syuro DPD FPI DKI Jakarta Novel Chaidir Hasan Bamukmin membantah tuduhan bahwa anggotanya mengeroyok kader pengurus ranting Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) Widodo di Jelambar, Jakarta Barat. "Tidak ada pengeroyokan yang ada satu lawan satu. Namanya M. Irfan, Qoid LPI (Laskar Pembela Islam) di Kecamatan Gropet (Grogol Petamburan). Ada saksi warga sekitar yang melihatnya," kata Novel kepada CNNIndonesia.com, Sabtu (7/1). Novel mengatakan, perkelahian itu terjadi usai waktu Isya, Jumat (6/1) dan merupakan buntut dari insiden di siang hari saat rombongan calon wakil gubernur Jakarta Djarot Saiful Hidayat melewati tempat berkumpul anggota FPI di Jelambar. "Kronologinya, kami kumpul di posko. Dia lewat mampir ke kami, tapi kami tidak mau. Kami bilang lewat saja ...
FPI dicegat & takut turun dari Pesawat di Kalimantan! Gitu mau ke Papua? Ini adalah kejadian lucu saat gerombolan FPI mencoba datang ke Kalimantan mungkin untuk melebarkan sayapnya. Terjadi penolakan oleh Rakyat Kalimantan yang mencegat FPI di Bandara dan dengan tegas menolak kehadiran mereka demi keamanan FPI. Alhasil FPI takut turun dari pesawat dan pulang. FPI ditolak di kalimantan, FPI kalimantan, FPI di kalimantan, FPI ditolak, suku dayak, dayak, FPI, front pembela islam, habib rizieq, habib rizieq fpi, ceramah habib rizieq, habib rizieq 2017, ceramah habib rizieq terbaru, ceramah habib rizieq 2017, fpi bubar, fpi dibubarkan, papua, ormas, islam, ormas anti pancasila, ormas radikal, ormas islam, anarkis, kalimantan, habib rizieq dipolisikan, habib rizieq dilaporkan ke polisi, penista...
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
Oh we up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
My house stupid
My car crazy
Pissy drunk throwin money
Fuck it
We made it
A street nigga
I'm not a star
My friends killas
My bitches straight Nicki Minaj
A crime boss
I'll cut ya time short
Find me on top chillin
Nigga my mind lost
You like to run off at the mouth
Like one of them hoes
Don't make me fuck around and show up
At one of them shows
My money long
Your money gone
Somebody told you wrong bitch boo coming home
Go ahead and leave me alone
I'll go straight bananas
I can barely see my dogs
Too much smoke in the phantom
Popping bottles of that Rose
Opposed for the cameras
The hoes tryna tear the doors to the floor to look at me
Anticipating something crazy
To the happen I'm ready
I ain't have to show a cat what was happenin in a minute
Savage Life
Trill Fam
Better check the records
Better respect this
Or you can get it nigga
We'll shut this mother fucker down
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We'll shut this mother fucker down
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We'll shut this mother fucker down
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We'll shut this mother fucker down
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We'll make this bitch close
And leave with some thick hoes
Pull up to a five star suite
Buy ten rooms
Get put out the Hilton
Go and buy ten more
In the middle of down town threw a party on the tenth floor
Get off the elevator
Hallway full of indo
Big blunts California kush
Got my eyes closed
Head back to the club
With the thugs
And the fine hoes
Ducked off VIPed up
Trying to get my dick sucked
Still here hell yea
Don't you get it mixed up
A hundred twenty five thousand dollars lit my wrist up
Pussy niggas feel me
Real niggas acknowledge me
Last night old crazy ass girl tried to swallow me
Fuck ass lawyer
He trying to get it out of me
Look I got ya bread hoe
You ain't gotta lie to me
Man I'm just been chilling bro
Just being who they trying to be
Stackin all my paper up
Hood nigga mentality
Ready for whatever man
Webbie Trill Family
We ain't going nowhere bitch
We here to stay
We'll shut this mother fucker down
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We'll shut this mother fucker down
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We'll shut this fucker down
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We'll shut this fucker down
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
And we don't give a fuck
And we don't give a fuck
Today might be my last sp
I'm living it up
Straight face and some ass
So I'm chilling with her
Ready to spend more dollars
So send more bottles
Bitch you trying to kiss me on the mouth
That's a violation
All Black Masseratti
All white diamonds
Parked like a lion
Hoes like horses
I just love y'all voices
Car was so long
I couldn't even
Must park it
Left in the streets
Told them to leave it there and watch it
I'm in this bitch
I love to side it bitch
Man I got the kind of funny
I can buy this bitch
Got this celebrity cheese
Smoking celebrity weed
Bout as gansta as it get
Bitch you better believe
Trill Fam Webbie
Young SAV
Turn it up
You still ain't ready to leave
We'll shut this mother fucker down
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We'll shut this mother fucker down
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We'll shut this mother fucker down
We up in this bitch
We up in this bitch
We'll shut this mother fucker down
We up in this bitch