From Strike Against Police Terror (StrAPT) LA

The movement against police terror and repression is part and parcel with resistance against the United States’ brutalizing incarceration system—the frame-up and imprisonment of revolutionaries, solitary confinement, and the systematic super-exploitation of incarcerated workers.

The strike is an effective weapon against capitalism and can be used to build resistance against police terror. By shutting down the economy through strikes, we can build groundwork for a combative worker and oppressed people’s movement for collective liberation from capitalism, imperialism, and colonization. When the state’s agents of repression kill—whether they’re border patrol, ICE, police, or sheriffs—we can raise the call to take the streets, block roads, halt production, and shut it down. Currently, we are organizing a solidarity action in Los Angeles for the National Prisoners’ Strike taking place on September 9—the 45th Anniversary of the Attica Rebellion.

Strike Against Police Terror (StrAPT) was formed not only as a response to police executions and prisons, but as a way to grow collective action against the interlocking systems of domination that exists, to connect and draw from our different efforts (and communities), and to act in solidarity with one another. As a group, we oppose the capitalist political parties in the occupied US, as well as capitalism and imperialism worldwide.

StrAPT seeks to organize with those who face multiple layers of oppression, centering Black, Indigenous, trans, undocumented, immigrants and people with disabilities. We aim to organize with all workers: union, non-union, unemployed, underemployed, disabled, and incarcerated. We aim to collaborate with various groups, collectives, organizations and struggles in which we find a common axis and common action, in order to build our capacity to strike back at the system that attacks us. The September 9th solidarity action for the Prisoners’ Strike is part of these efforts with hope toward rolling strikes as the agents of police terror continue the escalation of killings and imprisonment.

We honor the struggle of all captive people by centering incarcerated and formerly incarcerated peoples, related families, people of color and particularly Black trans women, trans women of color, undocumented peoples and people with disabilities who are in the clutches of the prison system.
