Steve Mascord


Purveyor of the Three Rs - Rugby league, Rock'n'roll and the Road!

Geregistreerd in maart 2009

@therealsteavis is geblokkeerd

Weet je zeker dat je deze Tweets wilt bekijken? @therealsteavis wordt niet gedeblokkeerd door Tweets te bekijken.

  1. Bought the missus an early Xmas present. Hope she likes it

  2. Just added Paranoid Squirrel Show to Radio! Listen here

  3. USARugbyLeague : The Toronto Wolfpack have signed USA Rugby League Hawk and The Jacksonvil… )

  4. Hear Mal Meninga recall partying with AC/DC on the latest White Line Fever...

  5. What a horrible way to end heart goes out to my friends at

  6. sad news for music journalism. Hope all staff find new jobs soon.

  7. Whilst it's sad people at Team Rock have lost their jobs, a Truck ploughed through a Christmas market in Berlin, people lost their lives..

  8. Sympathies to the Team Rock gang. Good bunch of people.

  9. Dear writers: Pitch me! Always looking for talented metal and hard rock writers to scribble for Noisey. Email in bio. I got you <3

  10. Meanwhile Team Rock goes out of business and is no more.

  11. Apart from watching a really enjoyable, historic match on Saturday it was good to bump into &

  12. Just a reminder that I am in book mode and Tweeting over at

  13. see photos from 's winning debut today on this FB page

  14. Reef - "Provide"

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