

A poor background can help your career. But rich is better

Like it or not, family backgrounds matter a lot. But sometimes their influence plays out in unexpected ways.

Take the investment industry for instance. It turns out the best fund managers, more often than not, come from poorer families.

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That might seem counterintuitive but there's a compelling explanation. Because it's so difficult for those from disadvantaged backgrounds to break into the lucrative funds management business, the only ones that actually do are so capable and skilled they outdo their peers.

Research by Dr Oleg Chuprinin,​ from the University of NSW, and Denis Sosyura,​ from the University of Michigan, shows that investment managers who grew up in poor families made two percentage points higher returns each year, on average, than their counterparts from the wealthier families. That can add up to a lot of money over time.

"If somebody from a poor background was able to break through, that person was really good,"  Chuprinin told me. "It's kind of a filtering mechanism."

No matter which yardstick Chuprinin and Sosyura looked at, the managers from disadvantaged origins beat their counterparts from wealthy backgrounds. And it's likely to be a similar story in a host of other occupations.


But the researchers identified something else revealing about upbringing and performance.

Investment managers from very privileged backgrounds often lost money consistently but still kept their jobs – and even got promoted.

"If you look at the wealthiest managers you can clearly see that they don't perform well, and actually they destroyed value for the most part," said Chuprinin.

"But they also tended to have very stable careers, which meant that as they destroy value they were not getting fired. The career outcomes of these managers who are wealthy are not actually dependent on their performance."

The researchers could not explain this.

"It's a big question how useful this group were to their employers," said Chuprinin.

In contrast, the investment managers from poor families had to keep jumping hurdles once they had defied the odds and been hired. They were only promoted after consistently outperforming.

Those from humble origins were also more active in their jobs and more likely to deviate from the market norm. Managers that grew up in wealthy households, however, tended to be more conformist and follow benchmark indexes.

The researchers made these discoveries after painstakingly compiling the family histories of hundreds of people managing American equity funds between 1975 and 2012 using a range of data sources. They subsequently tracked their professional investment performance.

The returns made by managers from poor families were tightly bunched, a sign they had passed through rigorous quality filters. It was a different story for those from wealthy, well-connected families. That cohort had a much higher dispersion of investment returns – some did very well, while others performed poorly. That's a tell-tale sign they were subject to a weaker filter mechanism. It also implies some managers from wealthy backgrounds didn't really deserve to be there.

The connections between family background and performance in the funds management industry are stark because the indicator of performance – an individual's investment returns – is so tangible.

But what makes Chuprinin and Sosyura's findings all the more striking is that they clearly apply to so many other occupations.

"Our evidence suggests that an individual's social status at birth may serve as an important signal of quality in other industries with high barriers to entry," the researchers conclude in their paper titled, Family Descent as a Signal of Managerial Quality: Evidence from Mutual Funds, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Chuprinin thinks family background is a factor for job selection "pretty much everywhere" that there are high "barriers to entry" and especially where personal connections can influence job prospects.

"Any job where nepotism can be a channel," he said.

The study names business management and the legal profession as sectors with similar dynamics to funds management. And the same goes for politics where family and personal connections can be all important.

Chuprinin has considered investigating the correlations between family background and performance in politics.

"In politics we have high barriers to entry, we have nepotism and protectionism – what we don't have unfortunately is a good way to measure performance at this stage."

The influence of family background on employment in the finance sector is especially pertinent given its growing share of the economy and jobs. The finance industry already accounts for a bigger share of economic output than any other sector in Sydney and Melbourne. And the last census showed professionals and managers account for about four in every 10 workers in our big cities.

Chuprinin and Sosyura's findings also challenge those who would have us believe the colossal remuneration packages dolled out to finance industry executives are all about merit. It is clear that factors like family background, rather than talent, can have a major bearing on who gets jobs, and who advances, in that sector.

And maybe Chuprinin and Sosyura's findings will encourage consumers to check out the backgrounds of the professionals they employ.