Microsoft Surface Studio Review: Just say the word

The Microsoft Surface Studio with Dial. In drafting mode it's angled at around 20 degrees, which is about where you'd ...
The Microsoft Surface Studio with Dial. In drafting mode it's angled at around 20 degrees, which is about where you'd want it to comfortably use the pen on the screen. Supplied

Somewhere in the book of Regulations and By-laws For Self-Respecting Newspaper Columnists, there will be a law prohibiting, under pain of expulsion from the press club, the quoting of Phil Collins lyrics. I've never seen the law in question, but common sense and common decency dictate it must be there.

But I seem to have lost all my self-respect today. Ever since I got an hour with Microsoft's Surface Studio at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, I have inexplicably and insuppressibly found myself humming and singing Phil Collins songs.

And if I have to endure it, so do you.

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

It stands up like a regular all-in-one PC if that's what you prefer.
It stands up like a regular all-in-one PC if that's what you prefer. Supplied

And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord.

The first thing you need to know about the Surface Studio is that, while it's definitely the most exciting computer announced in the past 12 months, it's a little too exciting for its own good. Or, rather, for your good. The all-in-one PC, which tilts down to form a type of electronic drafting table, was wildly popular in the limited, United States-only run it got at the end of 2016, so much so that Microsoft is now muttering about not bringing it to Australia until production has caught up with demand in the US. That could be well into this year, possibly as late as the third calendar quarter, according to one Microsoft official I spoke to.

Which is bad, because the Surface Studio is so terribly, terribly good. Change the way you work type good.

If you've ever seen Microsoft's marvellous Surface Book laptop, that's a good place to start imagining what the Surface Studio is like. Unclip the Surface Book's 13.5-inch touchscreen, stretch it out to a whopping 28 inches, add a hinged "zero gravity" arm that connects to a heavy-ish base where all the internals are housed, and that's the Surface Studio. Same Surface Pen electronic stylus, same materials, same feel to using it.

Couple of differences

All the ports are at the back of the base.
All the ports are at the back of the base. Supplied

There are a couple of differences, though. Where the Surface Book has a razor-sharp, 267 pixel-per-inch screen, the screen on the Surface Studio is only 192 ppi. That's fine when you're using the PC as a standard desktop computer, with the screen at arm's length from your eyes, but when you pull the Studio closer to you, to take advantage of its more creative possibilities, that 192 ppi is only at the edge of the resolution you would want. With my glasses on, I couldn't quite see the individual pixels, but I knew they were there. At 267 ppi, you're completely unaware of them.

And you will pull the Studio towards you, because that's what it's designed for and that's what makes it great.

Microsoft has actually designed the rubber feet on the Studio's base for exactly that purpose. They're a tiny bit slippery, so you can easily pull the computer towards you, tilt the screen flat and interact with its touchscreen using the Surface Pen and Surface Dial, or you can push it away from you, tilt the screen upright and use it as a conventional all-in-one desktop PC, with a mouse and keyboard. If it wasn't for the question of where to put the keyboard when you're sliding the Studio towards you, swapping between those two modes would be completely effortless. The hinge is really well designed.

How can I just let you walk away

Just let you leave without a trace?

Oh yes, so there's the Surface Dial, too. This is an optional, $US100 ($136) control puck for the Studio, which you use with your non-mouse/pen hand to dial in and out various features, such as speaker volume in all apps, or, say, pen width or pen colour in drawing apps. It can be placed on the desk, or, when the screen is tilted down into the drafting position, it can be placed up on the screen itself, where in some apps it will activate even more features. There's an architectural drafting app, for instance, that uses the Dial to zoom in and out of any part of the drawing that the Dial is placed near.

It's early days yet for the Dial, and most apps don't make any use of it above the general-purpose functions offered by Windows itself, but with any luck customised app support will be coming. Microsoft says it's working closely with Adobe on matters relating to the Studio, for instance, and hopefully this means the Dial will get built into applications such as Photoshop, where it could be brilliant for quickly scrubbing through the revision history of a file (you could turn the dial back and forth to quickly undo/redo edits you have made) or for selecting different brush sizes without reaching for the keyboard.

Slow-motion descent

But there is one thing to know about the Dial. The Studio screen never hinges completely flat. In drafting mode it's angled at around 20 degrees, which is about where you'd want it to comfortably use the pen on the screen. To accommodate this angle, the Surface Dial has got a grippy, rubberised base that more or less holds it in position after you place it on the screen, but not quite. Ever so slowly the Dial slides down the screen. I didn't use the Studio long enough to be bothered by it, or to see whether it eventually falls down onto the desk, but I suspect that seeing that slow-motion descent in the corner of your eye could get a little bothersome after a while.

Ah, I've just got to have her, have her now

I've got to get closer but I don't know how

But that's a minor gripe. There are so many things about this machine that make it compelling, especially for creative apps where you want to interact in a very hands-on way with your documents, using the Surface Pen. Full-time creative users might find the Pen isn't quite subtle enough for their needs, but for most of us it's a wonderful machine.

And, who knows? Maybe a delay bringing it to Australia could be a good thing. Microsoft has been coming up with some pretty stunning devices these past few years, but they do tend to have teething problems. A firmware update or two, maybe slightly grippier feet on the base of the Studio, we'll get the perfect machine. But even with its imperfections, I can barely wait.

Stu-Stu-Studio, just say the word

Oh Stu-Stu-Studio, oh oh.

Microsoft Surface Studio

Likes Drafting mode is great for creative apps such as Photoshop.

Dislikes Base sometimes slides a little too easily on your desk. Dial slides down screen.

Price From $US2999 (not yet available in Australia)