MRR wants you as its next Coordinator!

December 20th, 2014 by

Maximum Rocknroll magazine is seeking a Distribution Coordinator. This is an unpaid, full-time volunteer position. MRR’s four coordinators live at MRR HQ rent-free. Distribution Coordinators are responsible for getting the magazines and our merch to stores, subscribers, and individuals around the world. To be a coordinator you must be able to work legally in the US, and you must keep a part-time (paying) job in addition to your MRR responsibilities. 

It’s not all work and no play, though. Being a coordinator is fun, fulfilling, and one of the best learning experiences you’ll ever have. But let’s show, not tell — here is the first column our newest coordinator Grace wrote for MRR, in issue #377. As a former coordinator myself, I actually got choked up reading Grace’s account of her first weeks in the wild world of MRR…

If you are interested in applying, please download the questionnaire at the end of this post.


I arrived in San Francisco on August 1st. It has been a whirlwind month, mostly filled with bright spots. New city, new start. Adjusting not to working from home but rather to living at work. I’m developing bits and pieces of a routine: I eat a whole avocado almost every single day, rifle through the Amoeba new arrivals at least four times a week, go running in Golden Gate Park as often as I can force myself to. Before print week started, I went surfing in Bolinas. We drove a VW bus through the cliffs of Marin and drank Tecates on the beach and I swam in the Pacific Ocean for the first time, next to a cormorant. Later that night I slept through my first earthquake. California, baby. I text friends in London before I fall asleep— they are waking up, starting new days before I am ending my old one. It all takes some getting used to but slowly this place will start to feel like home.

I knew some people in the Bay before I moved here: from the tour where I booked the Philly show for their band, or that time we crossed paths at a fest, or the internet (ugh). A friend I have known since the first grade moved out here to go to medical school, arriving just a few days before I did. He came by the house to do shitwork my second or so weekend here. He’d never listened to a punk record in his life but he knows the alphabet, so we put him to work re-filing 7”s. Every so often he’d pull out a record and ask, “Is this good?” Our response was always, “Put it on!” He was working on the Gs that day—Generacion Suicida has won a new fan. Later that night he ordered a subscription to the magazine.

It was amazing to see someone interacting with our collection in that way, a potent reminder of the fact that there is no better place in the world to learn about punk and hardcore than inside this house, even for those of us who know a thing or two about it. I try to listen to something I’ve never heard before every single day—with 47,000 records and counting, there’s no excuse not to. I am filling up tapes and adding to my want lists and exploring the corners of punk that I always meant to get to and those that I didn’t even know existed. The archive is daunting—more than once since I’ve been here, a band has walked in to tour the compound and been absolutely baffled when faced with so much choice, unable to remember what kind of music they even like. Too many records, not enough time.

Hours alone can be hard to come by in a house with keys held by so many, and it took a few weeks before I was able to have a night to myself. For all the music I am excited to discover, there is still something to be said for the old reliables, the records that you know inside out, yet still sometimes feel as if you are hearing for the first time. I ate some tacos and drank lukewarm leftover coffee and cranked Rocket to Russia and did a kitchen mosh to Blitz singles and listened to the Sex Pistols and Los Punk Rockers back to back and tried to figure out what to call this column.

If you’re are reading this, you already know that we famously have Tim Yo to thank for the green tape that edges all of our records. You probably also know that he made handmade sleeves for records that he really liked or whose art he thought was subpar. Encountering those on the shelves somehow still continues to feel like stumbling across a secret. The collages have a surprising tactility to them, a layer of crisp, yellowing shellac overtop the images. I was sitting alone in the house, thinking of my former homes in Philadelphia and London and Washington, DC, and I kept going to pull more comforting records off of the shelves, and over and over the ones I took down happened to have Tim’s covers: the Raincoats’ Fairytale in the Supermarket, Siouxsie and the Banshees’ Hong Kong Garden, the Neo Boys EP, the Teddy and the Frat Girls 7”. Every single one of our records has green tape around its edges, but only a tiny fraction have these handmade sleeves and I was somehow being magnetically drawn to them. They say Tim haunts this house—I believe it now. I took it as a sign of sorts. This column takes its name from the last song on that Teddy and the Frat Girls 7”, one of the most demented records ever made, the product of maniac teen girl punks who then disappeared off the face of the planet. I’ve loved this record for a long time. I scanned the insert, collaged some letters on top, drank a beer, and listened to these mutant sounds at top volume alone in our big kitchen. It was one of the best nights I’ve had in a long while.

I’m not some Teddy and the Frat Girls superfan (is it even possible to be a superfan of a band that only ever recorded five nearly unlistenable songs?). What I am a superfan of is the idea of that band: people who make psychotic, deranged, angry music because they have to, not because it’s cool, who make sounds that aren’t like anything we’ve ever heard before, the noises that come out of genius girl brains across time and space.

I spent the month of July squatting a spare room in Peckham in London, in the flat of this magazine’s Bryony Beynon, my soul sister extraordinaire. A much needed holiday and a mentally and emotionally rejuvenating trip. We each tore through the Viv Albertine autobiography in a little less than twenty-four hours, rabidly reading in silence in the middle of a horrible heat wave. We raced to the finish, because there was so much to talk about once we were done. In her column this month, Bryony writes about the way Viv captures female friendships so accurately, how the sounds of the Slits could only have emerged from the electric connections between those four badly behaved women. It really is an extraordinary text and should be out in the States this fall. Get it. Viv also talks about living through London in ’77, about the idea that many who were there then felt as if they had been a part of something so great and so exciting that they would never be able to capture that kind of dynamism and momentum ever again, about how that feeling probably factored into her decision to put down her guitar for decades after the end of the Slits. This magazine also casts a long shadow. It’s hard not to constantly think about history here in the compound. There are reminders of it everywhere: Tim’s handmade record sleeves, the magazine covers plastered to the walls, the photobooth strips of coordinators past and present stuck to the fridge, the still overflowing green-taped mailbox labeled Bruce Roehrs. Through accidents of timing I crossed paths with almost all of the women who have coordinated this publication in the past during my first month here—I can only hope that one day I am as effortlessly cool and brilliant as all of them. There are big personalities here, but this place is bigger than any of us. How do you make room for history in your life while also making history make room for you? I’m figuring it out.

We at Maximum owe a lot to our past, but the only reason we’re still around is because of a persistent insistence on the here and now. The thing that makes this magazine so great is that it is a publication written by the people it is written for. It has always been that way. MRR is what you make it, which means that history is ours to write. Punk’s not dead unless we kill it. Remember that we wanna hear from you about what is going on in your town: send us a report on punk fashions (The Dangly Earring: Who Wore It Best?), email us a drawing that we can put on a pin or a sticker, interview your favorite band and ask them questions that aren’t “what do you play?” and “how did you meet?” and “tell us a little bit about your songwriting process,” burrow deep into their brains and show the rest of us what makes them tick and why that makes you tick in turn. Keep sending your records in for review, so that we can ruin them with green tape and they can enter the vast and magnificent archive we have here, and make your friends do the same. Shitwork for us from afar! Did you already spot all of the misplaced commas and typos that we missed on these inky pages? Save us from ourselves as a proofreader! Can you type a mile a minute? Transcribe the soon-to-be classic interviews languishing in iPhone Voice Memo apps. Offer to do some sick layouts. Take out an ad for your beret emporium, send us some money so that we can put those damn records in poly bags and keep them from sticking to themselves, renew your subscription so that your bathroom can always be full of the best reading material for visiting punks taking a shit. This is your magazine and I am psyched to be here. Survived the first month. Ready for many more. Write to me and tell me what record I should pull off the shelf and listen to, post me a tape of the most deranged lady punks from your town, send love notes, hate mail, questions and concerns to

If coordinating MRR sounds like the life for you, write to  for an application.

MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL is looking for a new coordinator duo!

October 15th, 2013 by

Hey punks! MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL is looking for two new coordinators! That’s right — we are in search of new Content Coordinator and a Distro Coordinator. We’re looking for a couple of stand-up punx, organized and honest, brainy and brawny, and willing to commit at least two years to a fast-paced, long-running DIY punk project here in San Francisco.

As MRR’s Distro Coordinator, some of the things you would do on a daily basis include:

  • Lots of communicating with an international base of distributors
  • Processing mailorders
  • Inventory of merchandise
  • Managing subscriptions
  • Monitoring postal costs, print runs, and supply orders
  • Invoicing & debt collecting
  • Prioritizing and delegating various tasks
  • Making flyers, creating ads & doing layouts
  • Being BFFs with the USPS
  • Promotion of the mag and soliciting content!
  • Sticking to very strict deadlines
  • Working on a tight budget while still keepin’ it cheap for the punx!

Just a few things you will find yourself doing as MRR’s Content Coordinator:

  • Communicating with bands, labels, DIY projects, and other punks from around the world to document and promote their efforts across diverse genres and subcultures
  • Soliciting ads and interviews from various labels, distros, fests, and other DIY projects
  • Assigning records and zines to reviewers
  • Maintaining our record collection’s database
  • Preserving the ever-expanding record archive
  • Prioritizing and delegating various tasks
  • Managing account payments and keeping detailed bank records
  • Invoicing & debt-collecting
  • Editing, proofreading, laying out and checking ever word on ALL 120+ pages of content!
  • Creating flyers & ads
  • Daily deadlines!
  • Keeping up with your own monthly column, reviews, and other content

Skills required:

  • Responsibility, reliability, organized and detail-oriented nature
  • Proficiency and comfort with computers (Excel, QuickBooks, InDesign, WordPress and Photoshop are just a few of the programs we use regularly)
  • Ability to communicate well in writing, over the phone and in person, as well as resolve or diffuse conflicts
  • Keen to work with various types of personalities, tastes, and abilities
  • Strong familiarity and enthusiasm for past and current DIY punk & hardcore!!!
  • Sound judgment and ability to work independently, as well as part of a group

Maximum Rocknroll is 100% volunteer-run. Everyone who works here is unpaid, and coordinators live in and run the compound together rent-free in exchange for their efforts.

Don’t delay — get in touch and show us what you’ve got!!

Get a more in-depth look at the Content Coordinator position here.

Could you be the next MRR magazine coordinator?

November 15th, 2012 by

As you may or may not know, Mariam is stepping down as one of the coordinators of Maximum Rocknroll, so the search is on… Do you think you have what it takes to run MRR? Read on!

What are we looking for?

As Maximum Rocknroll’s content coordinator, you are running a business and putting out a magazine every month. You’re the editorial, advertising, managerial, graphics and accounting departments all in one. You are responsible for choosing all of the magazine’s content. You will have another content coordinator as a partner-in-crime, and there is a distro coordinator who takes care of the magazine’s distribution and also has say about the zine’s content — it’s a great team. You also have a huge arsenal of shitworkers who take on a large part of the work, from copy editing to layouts and beyond! You will be expected to keep a part-time job as well, but the magazine will be your primary job. (You will have time for fun, I promise…) You must be efficient, organized, dedicated, and literate, with an eye for detail.

Reviewing records!

That is the quick version, but let me tell you — no two coordinators are alike, and, actually, they shouldn’t be! It really is about being able to compliment your fellow coord’s. The content coordinator duo is like any friendship; one person may be better at some things than the other, one person might enjoy aspects of the job that the other does not, etc. You don’t have to be BFFs, although my relationship with former coord Layla Gibbon has definitely developed into super-tight-friend-for-life status, and current fellow coord Lydia and I are quickly following the same path.

The way MRR works is very unique because of the way coordinators are compensated for the job — we all live and work together rent-free. All three coords are in close quarters and are constantly working together, which obviously puts us in a situation that allows us to see some of the personal aspects each another’s lives. Imagine living with friends and working on punk projects every month. The best feeling is when you and your fellow coordinators get that new issue you spent time working on together. Making punk happen! Keeping the legacy going…

MRR Radio!

Bear in mind running this magazine is a full-time job that does not pay. The mag is all-volunteer run, but you do get to live at the big MRR compound for free. We have free internet, laundry and 50,000 records, so it’s pretty sweet. You would have to move from where you currently are and live in SF. This would be your primary job. The most comfortable part-time job would be a three-day a week situation; which will be enough for saving a little, going to shows, buying records and food/beer/root beer money. There will be time for crucial hanging.

A main requirement is that you must be a legal citizen of the US with no problems that would prevent you from being listed on official paperwork. I know it sucks, but the Migra here is harsh and to begin to attain “corporate sponsorship” for a citizen of another country is something that is totally out of MRR’s financial reach. I particularly hate that we are bound by this, because there are about five people I can think of right now who live abroad who should be applying for this position, some of which I am confident could take my space here, but can’t. But I know that there is a punk somewhere out there in the US who would kill at this job and who is ready and in a situation that makes them eligible. Please contact us!

So here are some of the attributes we are looking for in our new coordinator:

Music knowledge: We need someone with a strong hardcore punk background and overall strong international punk knowledge. You don’t have to be an encyclopedia, but you have to have a curiosity for punk that propels you into seeking out the knowledge. If you are a person that seeks out new releases online or digs through old zines, dollar bins and liner notes to find the origins of bands and punks, this is the place for you!

Organization: Sure, as punks maybe we don’t do our laundry when we should, but we are looking for someone that is comfortable with deadlines, schedules and multitasking. We need someone who can take directions, but still feels comfortable to take shit on alone. You will be juggling different roles as content coordinator, so that means being able to switch gears, organize your time and still be able to make deadlines. Believe me, I know it sounds daunting, but I have a part-time job, go to shows, am in an active band and do other projects…it can be done. I still have time to chill the fuck out and hang!

Ermahgerd — rerkerrrds!

Diplomat/bad-ass: When you are content coordinator, you will have to answer for all of the content in the magazine. Sometimes this means rejecting content or having to explain content that rubs people the wrong way. Being able to explain yourself with out being a pushover, yet not resorting to the immediate “fuck you,” is important (though saying “fuck you” is totally expected sometimes, and you should be comfortable with that too). If you think you have a strong, ethical DIY backbone, confidence, ability to articulate your thoughts well and provide arguments as to why you did or did not do something, to a cross section of punks, spanning from the GG-loving scumfucks to the masked blackbloc radicals, this may be your spot. Also, you have to keep your fellow shitworkers in mind. They work hard on the magazine and you wanna be able to back them up, and have them back up MRR. Personally, this is one of the main reasons I took the content coordinator spot, because I love to debate, and each conflict is an opportunity to hone my skills. If you love punk, and want to make sure MRR can continue to reach out to punks worldwide, this might be your gig.

Dealing with “Business”: We have landlords, a bank account, a printing company to deal with, bills, etc… You should be able to deal with “business people” sometimes. Calling the bank to get a finance charge returned; boring? Yes… Necessary? Sometimes… We do our own accounting, so having some financial experience in your background is good, but not necessary. You will learn about the wonderful and exciting world of QuickBooks regardless, so if you have a quick mind, I wouldn’t worry too much…


How do you apply?

The Four Steps: First you fill out a questionnaire that is reviewed by the current coordinators and the MRR board of directors. After this process, we will let you know if you have made it to the next step, which is handing in some writing samples. If those samples make the cut, you are asked to participate in a phone interview with the board and the current coordinators. If you make it to the last step, you’ll have an in-person (or Skype) interview with the board and the current coordinators. If you make it this far then you may become the next content coordinator of MRR! The whole process takes a while, but really, it is contingent on how quickly and thoroughly you complete the steps.

Not that it makes a huge difference, but there are a few reasons I am leaving this position at MRR. I just want to share them with any of you who are interested in applying. One, I think I have done everything I can do in this seat as MRR coordinator. While I still want to contribute, I think my time is up. The zine needs new blood and someone that can make their mark on MRR — someone passionate about punk, who is concerned about getting info out to the punks, getting good quality interviews (gotta keep the bar high!), covering scenes worldwide, staying true to the punk ethic. We are now almost completely connected by technology, but before all of that a community was built on the common love and need of punk, and I hope whoever takes my place has that in common with everyone who reads MRR.

The other reason I am leaving is family. I know I don’t have to tell you guys what’s going on, but someone in my immediate family has been battling cancer since I was a kid and it appears that this might be the last fight. I need to concentrate on helping in any way I can. I will still stay in SF for at least a year to train the new coordinator, play in bands and contribute to MRR and the local scene in other ways, but it’s time to take care of my blood. While I think of many punks as part of my family, I do believe that I can make room in my life for all of the things I am passionate about, and punk and MRR are certainly some of them!

If you are interested or have any questions, please email us at . We wear our inky fingers proudly, and if you think you have what it takes to run the mag, you will too.

Up the punks!
