
What's New with LBC - Summer 2016

  • Posted on: 14 July 2016
  • By: lbc

From Little Black Cart

It is summertime at LBC which means parties, temperate weather (thanks to the Bay), and some new projects. We returned (about three weeks ago) from our grueling but amazing 12,000 mile (19300 KM) casual LBC tour around the US and Canada which included a visit to Montreal for their annual bookfair, Tulsa OK for their bookfair, British Columbia for the strange Nihilism.Hope event, Ontario for the book launch event for Blessed is the Flame, and all over the midwest for speaking and social events.

The Casual LBC Tour

  • Posted on: 12 April 2016
  • By: lbc

From Little Black Cart

This Spring we (a two wheeled subset of LBC) plan on a big trip across the US. We'd like to visit your town. If you are in a town near where you see a gap of time please drop us a line at
the Little Black Cart email address. This trip we are doing presentations on nihilism, anarchist decision making, and a new networking project.

What's New with LBC - Winter 2016

  • Posted on: 21 January 2016
  • By: lbc

From Little Black Cart

A lot has changed in the past quarter. The heat of summer finally abated and the El Nino rains have begun! There has been a noticeable downtick in drama around these parts and the fourth annual East Bay Book & Conversation Event went swimmingly. We are very proud of the titles we have to offer you this quarter and look forward to your feedback.

What's New with LBC - Winter 2015

  • Posted on: 13 July 2015
  • By: worker

Now that the dogs have recovered from the pyrotechnic celebration of Colonization, Neoliberalism, and Nationalism we are ready to announce our Summer titles for 2015. This summer features one homage, some mischievousness, and some new titles on old themes.

Spring was eventful this year. Alongside the solid Bay Area bookfair and our sister project the BASTARD conference, were Montreal, NYC, and the brand new (and energetic and affirming) Orange County bookfair. We can't wait to see what they do next year.

The 2014 LBC Review

  • Posted on: 16 April 2015
  • By: aragorn

From LBC Books

Little Black Cart is a public conspiracy. If we succeed, everything we experience in daily life will be transformed: work, play, ownership, and all of the old hierarchies and relationships. We publish missives in the form of anarchist books, newspapers, and journals that celebrate and strategize the Beautiful Idea with all its complications and heartaches. We welcome new wrinkles on old ideas and hearing word of new experiments related to the general project of unleashing anarchy upon the world.

Review: Individualism versus Egoism

  • Posted on: 19 January 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Anarchist Writers - by anarcho

Individualist anarchism has always been very much a minority within the anarchist movement and given some of its advocates, you can understand why. However, it is always good to see material from the past made available to modern day radicals simply in order to allow people to judge for themselves.

What’s New with LBC – Winter 2015

  • Posted on: 12 January 2015
  • By: aragorn

It was an amazing fall and a fantastic year. In November we visited the Southeast (including the Carrboro Anarchist Bookfair) and participated in the third annual East Bay Book and Conversation event in the nearby town of Oakland, CA. Several of our titles are raising the kinds of heated conversation we are hoping to have (the rest haven't been discovered by the right people yet). This project of publishing modern anarchist ideas with the hope of inspiring the current and next generation of rabble-rousers is rewarding in-and-of-itself AND appears to be netting results, although perhaps not the ones expected.