
'At first I didn't believe it': Salvatore the fur seal makes the Yarra River his home

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Meet Salvatore, the more than 200 kilogram Australian fur seal who appears to have taken up permanent residence in Melbourne's Yarra River.

There have been 16 reports of a seal in the river so far this year, according to Wildlife Victoria, the latest on Wednesday afternoon when Richmond woman Heather Chai was walking her baby along the Yarra Trail near Bridge Road at lunchtime.

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Spotted: Salvatore the Yarra River fur seal

There have been 16 reports of a seal in the Yarra River so far this year, according to Wildlife Victoria. The latest was captured on video on Wednesday afternoon when Richmond woman Heather Chai was walking her baby along the Yarra Trail near Bridge Road at lunchtime.

"At first I didn't believe it when a man said 'there's a seal in the river'," Ms Chai says. "But sure enough, up he popped. You should have seen the amazement on people's faces."

Salvatore has distinct marks on his neck and is so named because he likes to frolic near the Salvation Army building in Richmond, entertaining kayakers and joggers by tearing apart fish and diving around in the murky water.

Wildlife Victoria's emergency response leader, James Johnson, says Salvatore has been spotted as close to the city as Southbank.

"We suspect that these are all sightings of our friend Salvatore," Mr Johnson says. "He seems to have been especially busy on the ninth when we received reports from Abbotsford, Kew, and Richmond."


This is not the first year the usually salt-water-loving animal has drawn attention.

Wildlife authorities first started receiving reports of Salvatore back in mid 2014 when he was seen gobbling down a massive fish in South Yarra.

They noticed at the time that he had something around his neck but were unable to trap him.

Three months later, in October 2014, Melbourne Zoo's Marine Response Unit was called to the Maribyrnong River in Avondale Heights.

A school kayaking group had discovered a seal under a pier who was wasting away from an entanglement around his neck.

Unit manager Mark Keenan said they shot Salvatore with a dart gun and transported him back to Melbourne Zoo. The entanglement was box tape that had cut deep into his skin.

"There were two wounds big enough to put your hand in," Mr Keenan says. "He was emaciated and dying."

Veterinarians administered antibiotics and pain relief before tagging him. The wounds would eventually heal to leave distinctive scars on his neck.

Salvatore was released into the Werribee River at the Werribee South boat ramp and promptly swam back into the Maribyrnong where he was seen again under the pier.

"He's a very unique animal," Mr Keenan says. "He's carved himself his own little niche exploiting the river system with no competitor and he seems to be doing really well. He's put on a stack of weight."

Mr Keenan suspects that Salvatore does not spend all his time in the river, probably swimming in and out on long hunting expeditions.

"I have dealt with this guy for so long," he says. "Whenever we get reports I always check in to see he's OK because he's had problems with marine debris before."

Wildlife Victoria advises anyone who sees Salvatore to enjoy the lucky sighting but otherwise to give him plenty of space.

He has been known to come close to the bank and should not be approached if he rests on land.

If you see injured or distress marine wildlife, contact the AGL Marine Response Unit on 1300 245 678.

For sick, injured or orphaned native wildlife ring Wildlife Victoria on 1300 094 535.