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62 Reviews
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Douglas Crowther
· August 2, 2016
Like a teeny weeny little pond of half-baked ideas mashed up in a peculiar Libertarian soup. Adam Smith didn't espouse even half the views vomited by the numpt...ies on this page. He spent much of his professional life working for the government and spoke of the need to implement regulation in things like banking and fire codes in buildings. He said public works should be publicly funded. He wrote at length about morality. The simpletons and simple-mindedness on this page are unrepresentative of both Smith and his ideas. Smith and his ideas were more human, more complex and more nuanced. Though this audience would grasp none of that. See More
William Bates
· November 1, 2016
Looking forward to the 3rd December. It's great to see an organisation that is unafraid to stand up for Adam Smith's values of entrepreneurship , capitalism, an...d neoliberalism and defend the free market. The ASI, alongside the IEA , is one of the foremost organisations fighting for small, efficient government in the UK. See More
Philipp Rožipal
· June 28, 2016
"There is no art which one government sooner learns of another than that of draining money from the pockets of the people" - Adam Smith

The Adam Smith Institut...e fights big government, corporatism and centralization. It also offers much support material to climb the intellectual mountain of economics, it gives you the key to enlighten the polito-economic fog of corruption and state nepotism. The Adam Smith Institute is an opportunity to learn about free market economics, especially for normal people and not only intellectual elites. Five out of five.

Philipp Rosipal
Hanover, Germany
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Ryan Baron
· June 20, 2016
Excellent Institution promoting the best free markets and the capitalist system have to offer. Much more practical and real world business oriented than most think tanks.
Khehla Mofokeng
· March 18, 2016
I think we still lack knowledge to reach the level that is in necessity to play such effective role like Adam Smith,Karl Max and John Maynard Keynes in the econ...omic world, if we did had that we would ve probably see the world of economy becomes a better place for trading conditions expressed globally..
Smith who wrote books like "The theory of moral sentiments and An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations" really his idea of capitalism and neoclassical school which is still active today have a bigger picture and a seeable impact on today's economic systems.
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Brian Mullan
· November 22, 2016
Right libertarian propaganda outlet appropriating the name of Adam Smith to add a veneer of legitimacy.
Marcos Miguel Navarro
· April 6, 2016
I like it, it allows me to learn about libertarianism and free market, enterprises information, ideas about saving money.
Maurice Roche
· May 29, 2016
A good alternative to mainstream media. The articles are decent and informative.
Ellie Weston
· March 16, 2016
good lads with decent banter and a can-do libertarian attitude
Naba Kumar Sinha Roy
· June 24, 2015
The Sanskrit word yoga simply means ‘union’ — of the physical and spiritual. Union of body and mind for control of body by mind is Hatha Yoga, currently the mos...t popular form of yoga. In its spiritual aspect, yoga means union of Atman, soul, with Paramatman, the Cosmic Spirit, for permanent removal of suffering and attainment of moksha, infinite bliss. This union can be achieved through various methods: Bhakti Yoga involves prayer and devotion; Mantra Yoga is through chanting and incantations of seed sounds; Laya Yoga is dissolving of ego in the Infinite; Karma Yoga is performing selfless good actions, and Jnana Yoga is all about exercising discrimination.

Yet another form of yoga, Raja Yoga, is a synthesis of all forms of yoga. This is called Ashtanga Yoga or the eight-fold path of yoga as expounded by Sage Patanjali, that enumerates eight steps to union of soul with God: Yama, moral conduct; niyama, religious observances; asana, right posture; pranayama, control of prana, subtle life currents; pratyahara, withdrawal of senses from external objects; dharana, concentration; dhyana, meditation and samadhi, superconscious experience.

Although the science of yoga was conceptualised, developed, perfected, and practised in India over millennia, but the west became aware of it only in the late 19th century when Swami Vivekananda briefly visited the US and several European countries. Later, Paramhansa Yogananda taught scientific techniques of concentration and meditation to seekers in India and in the west. He founded the Yogoda Satsanga Society (YSS) at Ranchi, Jharkhand in 1917, and went to the US in 1920 to participate in an International Conference of Religious Liberals. In 1925, he established the Self-realisation Fellowship (SRF) in Los Angeles. He lived in the US for three decades, giving discourses and training monks and nuns, introducing to seekers a special form of Raja Yoga, called Kriya Yoga.

Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi introduced the world to Kriya Yoga. The book is acknowledged as a spiritual classic and has been translated into 12 Indian and 22 foreign languages. More than 60 years after he left his physical form, Yogananda’s autobiography continues to transform thousands of lives around the world. Hence he is known as ‘The Father of Yoga’ in the west. Kriya Yoga became widely known in modern India through Lahiri Mahasaya, guru of Paramhansa Yogananda’s guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri. Lahiri Mahasaya received it in the year 1861 from his guru Mahavatar Babaji, who rediscovered and clarified the technique for the benefit of all.

Yukteswar Giri said Kriya Yoga is an instrument through which human evolution can be quickened. The Kriya yogi mentally directs his life energy to move and revolve upward and downward, around the six spinal centres, which correspond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac. One-half minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of an individual equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment.

Yogananda put together 182 Yogoda Satsanga lessons to enable the teaching and learning of Kriya Yoga. These lessons include the practice of four techniques:

1Energisation exercises for recharging the body with cosmic energy
2Hong-Sau technique for developing the power of concentration and shutting off the five sense telephones for avoiding distractions during meditation
3Aum technique to attune consciousness with the sounds of subtle vibrations emitted by each chakra in the spine
4The Kriya Yoga technique: Personal guidance in the right understanding and practice of these techniques is offered to truth seekers by authorised YSS sannyasis.
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Hunter Georgeson
· March 16, 2016
Erudite and charismatic - the think tank world's Elon Musk
Cameron Smith
· March 20, 2016
Inventors of the poll tax, creators of the 1993 rail privatisation model.
Basically plague infested rats that should be put down at the earliest opportunity.
Iain Kd
· February 10, 2015
Doesn't seem to believe in \Free markets at all. More Keynesian than Adam Smith.
Joey Tk Simnett
· June 10, 2015
bit commie but I'm ok with that
James Oneill
· January 10, 2016
Please share page. David Cameron is a murderer. it's disgusting what's happening. thank you.
Jonty H Campbell
· December 8, 2015
It's fab! And groovy with incisive articles.
Sabelo Zama
· September 4, 2015
Mixture of everything but informative
AliJirac Siidka J
· October 19, 2014
Good & acceptable.
Dean Boberts
· January 17, 2015
A page dedicated to left-wing capitalism. Funny shit.
Sam Bowman
· June 16, 2014
Great bunch of lads.
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The only Autumn statement comment that matters, from the only think tank that matters:

In response to the Autumn Statement the Adam Smith Institute made the below comments. For further comment or to arrange and interview please get in touch via, +44 20 7222 4995. Missed Opportunity: “Philip Hammond should be congratulated for delivering a dull, quiet Autumn Stateme...

Look east to stop things going south - we want the Japanese solution to Southern Rail

The London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, has responded to the latest wave of Southern Rail strikes by generously offering to take control of the line himself, through Transport for London. Today I’ve offered to put a senior @TfL team in immediate control of #southernrail as an emergency measure to end the chao...

SURPRISE! Journalists use strong opinions as a surrogate for real facts *pregnant pause*

The Times has a piece from Alice Thomson which manages to get matters entirely the wrong way around: Surrogacy rules treat babies like objects No, not really, that's the one thing that the surrogacy rules don't do: The 30-year-old Surrogacy Arrangements Act, and the system of parental orders under t...

Should we raise taxes to pay for old age care, or make people pay for themselves?

Council tax bills may rise to fund care for the elderly, Sky News reports, as the hole to pay for this in NHS and local government finances grows. It’s a very difficult problem to solve: if the state could credibly commit to letting people sink or swim based on whether they’d saved for themselves, t...

Let's talk about P05TC0DE L0TTER1E5

There’s a lot of talk about postcode lotteries, but we don’t have lotteries, we have postcode auctions. This is because when services or amenities are tied to a location we end up paying for them through higher house prices. This is very clear with schools: many state schools are just as good as fee...

Taxing people beyond the grave might come back to haunt us

Supporters of inheritance taxes do love to argue that we really should tax dead people. After all, they are dead so aren't going to squeal about it. Such taxation does therefore at least pass one test, the maximisation of feathers plucked with the least hissing. However, this idea does meet one majo...

Bank of England reveals cracks in UK banking system

The Bank of England’s latest stress test results are important for the following reason: in acknowledging the financial weakness of RBS, the Bank of England is implicitly acknowledging that its own past policies have failed. After all, had those policies worked, then RBS should have returned to fina...

RBS can do what it wants - just not with our money

It's quite obvious that out there in that political world there are people who don't get even the basics of this idea of private property. Those who insist that shareholders cannot pay their managers what they wish for example, or that someone else must be prevented from utilising their own land in…

Buoys and gills: we dolphinitely should take this opportunaty to change these pain-in-the-bass fishing rules

Over at Brexit Central, Madsen has written about his plan to restore Britain's fisheries using property rights and market mechanisms – the Icelandic model, essentially: Having seen its fish stocks depleted by over-fishing, Iceland instituted a quota system to restore and sustain them. Each year its...
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An absolute must weed:

'It was all Mrs. Bumble. She would do it,' 'That is no excuse,' replied Mr. Brownlow. 'You were present on the occasion of the destruction of these trinkets, and indeed are the more guilty of the two, in the eye of the law; for the law supposes that your wife acts under your direction.' 'If the law…

Stressed out - Bank of England flunks stress test again

On November 30th, the Bank of England released the results of its third publicly disclosed set of stress tests of the financial resilience of the UK banking system. The good news is that the news is good: our banking system is in good shape, but the bad news is that the good news is not credible.…

Google search results and why even crazy people should have freedom of speech

A complaint that searching Google for "Did the holocaust happen?" leads to, as its first result, something from Stromfront. Deluded idiots that they are they deny that it did. This is, apparently, an outrage. That we live in a society which has freedom of speech to the extent that people are allowed...

Social care costs have skyrocketed - but why is anyone surprised?

This is very bad apparently, really, terribly bad: The cost of social care rocketed over the last year, even as the proportion of services ranked good or outstanding fell, according to a new analysis. Social care services directory found that the price of a week in a care home jump...

We're pissed about this minimum alcohol pricing

It's rather Chris Snowdon over at the IEA who is the policy wonk to talk to on the issue of minimum pricing for alcohol. The general view seeming to be that the public health wallahs have got the bit between their teeth and they're not going to listen to anyone else on the matter at all. For us, ove...

Mend the FDA, end the Shkrelis

An interesting report out of Australia: A group of Australian high school students have managed to recreate a life-saving drug that rose from US$13.50 to US$750 a tablet overnight after an unscrupulous price-hike by former hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli. The Sydney Grammar students reproduced the...
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  • The perspective of Lord Jonathan Sachs on free society, capitalism ...the dangers and challenges of our times enlighten by the vision of Adam Smith, John Locke, and other great classical thinkers - winner this year of the Templeton prize. See More
  • It is a good page for social services by Economics. Learning for the... social activities in 21st century of the technologically advantage of our modern life. That is very important for the people. Because Economist are changing the world system. :) See More
  • NEO-COMUNISMO FISCAL . O neo-comunismo tributário e fiscal é ...autoritário e violento , é anti-democrático e calamitoso , é um desastre publico e uma aberração social . Através do sistemático aumento dos impostos pessoais e diretos ( injustos e imorais ) , conduziu o PAÍS ao caos e à anarquia total , e conduziu os contribuintes à desgraça e à miséria humana . Uma terapia de choque neo-comunista de consequências desastrosas terroristas e pavorosas , conduziu o PAÍS até ao limite máximo do despesismo estatista corrupto e socialmente mortal . Aquilo que parecia economicamente impossível ontem vai ser economicamente inevitável amanha . “” IVA - imposto único nacional “” = Liberdade , Justiça , Dignidade . Só não vê quem não quer . PENSE BEM ... pensar ainda não PAGA IMPOSTO . See More
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