
Acting Premier Jackie Trad voices personal support for daylight saving

Daylight saving is a fantastic initiative, Queensland's Acting Premier Jackie Trad says.

Ms Trad's remarks come after the almost-annual debate was reignited this week with an online survey showing about 84 per cent of people would support a daylight saving trial in Queensland.

Several Queensland councils have thrown their support behind the idea, with Brisbane deputy Mayor Adrian Schrinner jumping on board, tweeting: "Time to revisit this important lifestyle issue."

Cr Schrinner also tweeted: "This state gov has ordered 145 reviewed. How about a review into Daylight Saving? One more won't hurt. #ItsTime #daylightsaving".

But any hopes daylight saving would come into force any time soon have been dashed, with Agriculture Minister Bill Byrne confirming it was absolutely not a priority for the government on Tuesday.

Speaking on Wednesday morning, Ms Trad said she was personally a fan of the idea.


"Daylight saving, can I say from a personal perspective, daylight saving is a fantastic thing - I love it," Ms Trad said.

But she said it was not just a question of whether Queenslanders enjoyed an extra hour of sunlight after work in summer.

"It is a question about whether our state is divided or not," Ms Trad said.

"It's quite clear that people in the south-east corner love daylight saving but it's also abundantly clear that regional Queenslanders have a different view.

"So in the interests of governing for all Queenslanders, the Palaszczuk government has made a decision that we won't do a trial this time, and we have no intention of pursuing it in the future."

A referendum on whether Queensland should introduce daylight saving was defeated at a 1992 referendum after a three-year trial.

Ms Trad said she understood there were some recently online polls, but the result was "resoundingly no" at the 1992 referendum.

"I know in 2010 there was an online survey as well, and more than 70,000 Queenslanders participated in that and almost 70 per cent of regional Queenslanders said no," she said.

"We have to be a government not just for the south-east Queensland corner but for all Queenslanders and that's why we are putting the unity of the state ahead of any trial for daylight saving."

The daylight saving issue rears its head sporadically. There is even a petition on the Queensland Parliament website calling for Eastern Standard Time to be moved forward 30 minutes and synchronise clocks on the east coast.

Ms Trad was speaking west of Brisbane on Wednesday morning, announcing the start of major works for the $27.5 million Beaudesert Town Centre Bypass.

Both Labor and the LNP are keen to secure votes in the regions ahead of the upcoming state election, amid predictions One Nation would score a swag of seats.

But Ms Trad would not be baited on whether she was as "frightened" of One Nation leader Pauline Hanson as "everyone else".

"Every single member of the Palaszczuk government takes nothing for granted - we know that we have got to keep working with Queenslanders, keep delivering to Queenslanders and keep listening to Queenslanders," she said.

"It's not about our political opponents, it's about our commitments to the people of Queensland.

"We know that these jobs that we occupy are privileged positions, we take nothing for granted, we are entitled to nothing, which means that we have to work each adn every single day to keep delivering for the people of Queensland."