Tag Archives: ISIS

Turkey’s latest moves hint at the next tragic stage of the Middle East war [OPINION]

Turkey’s volatile president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has issued statements attacking the Obama administration and its role in the Middle East. And his allies in Turkey have followed suit. Such outbursts may well signal the end of NATO’s role in the … Continue reading

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Meet the woman who heads the army that intends to send ISIS to hell

The main assault on the Daesh (Isis/Isil) capital of Raqqa is now underway. And women are at the forefront of the battle. Using the code-name “Wrath of the Euphrates”, the group leading the offensive is the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces). And … Continue reading

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While media focuses on Mosul offensive, Turkey and Syria have other plans…

International media attention is currently focused on the offensive launched against the Daesh (Isis/Isil) stronghold of Mosul in Iraq; and on the looming humanitarian disaster there. Turkey and Syria, meanwhile, appear to have their sights set on Kurdish communities, which … Continue reading

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Mid-East war goes Orwellian: ISIS fighters (Kurds and their US allies) are now ‘terrorists’

It may have been just lazy journalism, but a BBC Radio 4 news update stated how Turkey was now determined to beat both Daesh (Isis/Isil) and YPG “terrorists”. No qualification or caveat was added to that statement, in spite of the fact … Continue reading

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Claims that US war coalition include Al-Qaeda affiliates and ISIS militants – what!!!

It is claimed that thanks to Turkey the US-led coalition can now boast not only ISIS militants but also Al-Qaeda-affiliated brigades. Spearheading Turkey’s invasion of northern Syria is a rag-bag of Islamist units, whose mission is simple: to seek out, … Continue reading

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Minbiç women liberated from ISIS – their horror stories and their desperate appeal for aid

For more than two months there has been a relentless war in the area of Minbiç. Minbiç is strategically important as it connects Turkey with Raqqa, the headquarters of ISIS. The area is also important for the protection of the … Continue reading

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Turkey: post-coup purge begins – but will the people overthrow Erdogan too?

Don’t fear for Erdogan or cheer the military – Turkey has a long history of coups and authoritarian governments. President Erdogan is blaming the Gulen Movement for the latest coup attempt (he refers to the Movement as the ‘parallel structure’). … Continue reading

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