Tag Archives: Iraq

While media focuses on Mosul offensive, Turkey and Syria have other plans…

International media attention is currently focused on the offensive launched against the Daesh (Isis/Isil) stronghold of Mosul in Iraq; and on the looming humanitarian disaster there. Turkey and Syria, meanwhile, appear to have their sights set on Kurdish communities, which … Continue reading

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War crimes? No way – we’re British! Theresa May will do anything to avoid this court

  Theresa May’s government announced on 4 October that Britain will opt out of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) to avoid annoying and time-consuming claims against the military. This means there’ll be no more massive legal costs to defend British troops accused … Continue reading

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Theresa May prefers refugees are out of sight, out of mind: try explaining that to the Yazidis

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron described Britain as “mean” for the attitude it displays to refugees. There are many Britons who would welcome refugees, and Farron was no doubt referring to a certain type of British citizen (either conservative or chauvinist) rather … Continue reading

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Cables via #Wikileaks show how US/Spain conspired to prevent arrest of Bush Administration for war crimes

The US strategy from the beginning of the second Iraq War has been to deflect criticism and prosecution by blaming others. The war began with a lie: that Saddam Hussein had WMD (the true reason for invasion was, of course, … Continue reading

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The ‘Other Chilcot’ (USA & Iraq War) – Part 2: the Iraqi Wolf Brigade/‘Frago 234′

The Wolf Brigade together with order Frago 234 (see details below) was first exposed over four years ago when Wikileaks began to publish material provided by whistleblower Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning. The Wolf Brigade was an Iraqi death squad set … Continue reading

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Chilcot doesn’t want you to know how many Iraqis we actually killed

The USA never had an inquiry into the Iraq War: how it began, whether it was approved on the basis of faulty intelligence, how the war was conducted, whether there were war crimes committed, and whether there was enough planning … Continue reading

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What Chilcot left out: over 1000 torture & unlawful killing legal claims in UK & ICC

Despite its size and the number of years it took to compile, the Chilcot Report, published last Wednesday, made only passing mention to the more than 1000 legal cases lodged by Iraqi civilians, alleging torture and unlawful killing by the … Continue reading

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