Tag Archives: FRU

Explosive BBC documentary on the IRA and British intelligence left out crucial details

A BBC Panorama documentary broadcast on 11 April found evidence of collusion between army intelligence and MI5 around the execution of dozens of alleged IRA informers. And if it was not for a decades-long cover up, British intelligence and republican politicians would … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, no category, War | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

The military intelligence ‘whistleblower’ who trades on your (lack of) privacy

Beyond the dark arts of GCHQ an increasing number of government agencies and statutory authorities have been gifted with data-matching and communication data-gathering mechanisms via existing legislation (including RIPA). Now, there looms the Investigatory Powers bill, otherwise known as the ‘Snoopers’ … Continue reading

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‘Restricted’ testimony of military intel agent sheds light on N Ireland ‘killing fields’

A month back families of 200 people murdered in the Troubles accused David Cameron’s government of censoring files that could explain more the circumstances of their deaths (see copy of advertisement, below, published in The Guardian). The British Government has … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, no category, Resistance, War | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

‘Dossier’ confirms RUC & MI5 were warned of Omagh bombing

Two documents – in the form of an undisclosed ‘dossier’ and testimony marked ‘Restricted’ – confirm what many have long known or suspected: that the security services were informed well in advance of the bombing that took place at Omagh … Continue reading

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Kitson and N Ireland killings: civil prosecution aims to reveal full extent of ‘dirty war’

Note: above letter continues below (at end of article). With the lack of confidence in the protracted public and historical inquiries in Northern Ireland regarding the role of the British army in the ‘dirty war’, it is inevitable that victims … Continue reading

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