Tag Archives: Australia

Journalist imprisoned on Australia’s gulag accuses health agency of death by neglect after latest tragedy

On Christmas Eve, Oscar and Delta compounds – two sections of Australia’s offshore prison on Manus Island – were wrecked after rioting. Wilson Security guards were ejected from the compounds. This was in response to the death of 27 year … Continue reading

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Australia’s offshore refugee programme begins to unravel, with global implications

Was it a ‘crisis of conscience’ that prompted the Australian government to set up a deal with the US to relocate possibly hundreds of refugees from its offshore gulag? Or was it further evidence of abuse of refugees, new legal … Continue reading

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The film about refugees the Australian Government doesn’t want you to see

On Tuesday 1 November, BBC4 will broadcast ‘Chasing Asylum‘ – an award-winning documentary by Eva Orner. But it’s a film that the Australian government won’t want you to see. The documentary shows Australia’s shocking treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. And … Continue reading

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While tabloids and far-right peddle hate, one Devon town reminds us what compassion looks like

From Britain to Australia, the right-wing press and its ideological bedfellows have been at the forefront of a campaign against accepting refugees. But while this xenophobic spirit is threatening to bubble over in one Australian town, a sleepy town in the UK … Continue reading

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Australia’s refugee policy under siege: PM ignored at UN, re-submission to ICC, lawyers seek global help

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull cut a lonely figure as he outlined his immigration policy at the UN on 20 September. Increasingly under pressure for his government’s transport of refugees from the open seas to detention centres on Manus Island … Continue reading

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Australian Government clueless on what next for offshore refugees: time for others to take charge

The Papua New Guinea (PNG) Supreme Court has confirmed that the PNG and Australian governments are jointly responsible for complying with an earlier ruling that the Manus Island refugee detention camp should be closed and that the imprisonment of the … Continue reading

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What have war-ravaged Arab children, Calais jungle kids & abused Aboriginal youths in common?

The boy’s face says it all. Bewilderment, resignation – immune to the horror of what is happening. He has seen war as commonplace for years. His family – mother, father, siblings – are still to be rescued. He casually wipes … Continue reading

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