Category Archives: War

Turkey’s latest moves hint at the next tragic stage of the Middle East war [OPINION]

Turkey’s volatile president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has issued statements attacking the Obama administration and its role in the Middle East. And his allies in Turkey have followed suit. Such outbursts may well signal the end of NATO’s role in the … Continue reading

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The International Criminal Court is investigating US war crimes. But there’s a huge catch

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is investigating the US for alleged crimes committed during the post-9/11 occupation of Afghanistan. Specifically, the investigation is examining claims of torture and ill treatment. But there’s one big catch. It may not be able to examine … Continue reading

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Moves to prosecute Turkey’s president for crimes against humanity: the evidence

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is currently being asked to take action against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his ministers. Lawyers, meanwhile, have slammed their regime for “systematic war crimes”. And the evidence is overwhelming. Action through the ICC is the … Continue reading

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Russian cruise missiles to strike Aleppo, Coalition special forces could be hit too

Russian submarines are currently ready to fire cruise missiles at anti-Assad rebel sites near the Syrian city of Aleppo. And alongside the inevitable killing of civilians, British troops may be killed too. An anonymous but reliable source has told The … Continue reading

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Meet the woman who heads the army that intends to send ISIS to hell

The main assault on the Daesh (Isis/Isil) capital of Raqqa is now underway. And women are at the forefront of the battle. Using the code-name “Wrath of the Euphrates”, the group leading the offensive is the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces). And … Continue reading

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Turkey’s Erdogan stages his own coup – against ALL opposition

Arrests of opposition MPs are currently underway in Turkey. This is an escalation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s 15-month-long coup against his political opponents. And while there has been widespread condemnation of these arrests, this alone will not bring Turkish … Continue reading

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Turkey’s authoritarian regime dramatically exposed as purge escalates – “non-stop resistance” declared

Turkey’s post-coup purge was never just about crushing the alleged coup plotters. It was about neutralising all opposition; particularly that of pro-Kurdish political parties and their supporters. And in recent weeks, the continuing purge has exposed even further the authoritarian … Continue reading

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