Category Archives: Corporate

The companies that know your every move, and the journalist jailed for exposing them [VIDEO]

  To offer cyber protection, we need to understand cyber intrusion (i.e. hacking). And US journalist Barrett Brown was researching the companies that practise both. Until, that is, he was sent to jail. On 6 March 2012, Brown’s home was raided … Continue reading

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The spycops experiment: from blacklisting agents to social pariahs – and next?

Recently it was revealed how the late Tory prime minister Edward Heath had not only been aware of but encouraged the broadcasting of a TV documentary critical of the Shrewsbury pickets. These were men who merely wanted better working conditions, … Continue reading

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Why every Australian is inextricably linked to every asylum-seeker in offshore detention

When you see the name Transfield, you probably think about the company’s contract overseeing Australia’s notorious and illegal detention gulags on Manus Island and Nauru. But Transfield’s multi-million dollar empire also includes an array of subsidary companies that touch the … Continue reading

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Australian detention centres: the firms that get away with murder – literally

A few days ago an asylum-seeker, Mohammad Nasim Najafi, died at Yongah Hill detention centre, Western Australia. He was only 27 years old and is survived by a wife and two children. His death has raised many questions about the … Continue reading

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Blacklisting and the role of social media and vetting agencies (private and govt)

The days of organisations like the Economic League and the Consulting Association keeping lists of political activists and trade union militants are, thankfully, long gone. These organisations were products of the 20th Century, though the CA managed to continue into … Continue reading

Posted in Corporate, Government, Intelligence, Resistance, Surveillance | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

As HSBC face prosecution threat, we reveal HSBC/Government ‘revolving door”

Today it was announced that the Swiss branch of banking giant HSBC could face criminal prosecution in the French courts. From 2010 the UK Government possessed details of over 6000 names of people who were British based, or ‘non-doms’, and … Continue reading

Posted in Corporate, Economy, Government | Tagged | 4 Comments

Lagarde List republished on eve of Greek elections

After years of forced austerity by a conservative government in collusion with German-led eurocrats, the Greek people appear to be on the brink of rejecting that government to try their luck elsewhere – with Syriza, a party that is yet … Continue reading

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