WA News

'Greed got the better of him': Former Perth Glory player jailed over travel insurance scam

A former Perth Glory youth player has been sentenced to 20 months behind bars for his role in a $120,000 travel insurance scam. 

Million Butshiire pleaded guilty to three counts of gaining benefit by fraud in the Perth District Court on Tuesday. 

Judge Michael Gething heard the 24-year-old Currambine man conspired with another friend, who had previously worked for a travel insurance agency, to commit the fraud in 2014. 

The pair flew to their home country in the Democratic Republic of Congo together to carry out the scam. 

Butshiire took out a travel insurance plan in May 2014 and later made a fraudulent claim that he had fallen into a ditch and been airlifted to hospital for treatment. 

The injury never occurred and Butshiire submitted false medical documents and invoices to support his claim. 


He was paid out $26,499, which he split with his friend. 

He and his friend originally planned to stop after the fraud but Butshiire's lawyer conceded "greed got the better of him" and the pair made a further two false claims. 

Southern Cross Travel Insurance and QBE were the insurance companies which fell victim to the scam. 

Defence lawyer Linda Black said the money Butshiire received for the frauds helped pay for his lifestyle and the hotel bills he was "racking up" while staying in Congo. 

"For the first time in his life he had money and he enjoyed it," she said. 

"He said he knew he should stop, but he didn't."

After committing two similar travel claims to the original, both alleging an injury while in the Congo, Butshiire in total, pocketed around $33,000 for his part in the scam. 

The travel claims included payments for flight upgrades to business and first class. 

Butshiire's alleged accomplice, who has never returned to Perth to be charged, and another man, Lewis Hall, who facilitated payment for some of the claims, also received money from the scam. 

Hall, who was also a Perth Glory youth player, was given an 18 month suspended sentence in January 2016 after he pocketed $5500. 

Butshiire was sentenced to 20 months jail, eligible for parole after 10 months, despite his lawyer arguing for a suspended sentence. 

"The offending could in no way be described as spontaneous or opportunistic," Judge Gething said. 

"There was no reason for your offending other than greed. 

"The seriousness of the offending outweighs all personal factors."

Those personal factors, which Judge Gething considered during his sentencing, included that Butshiire had a difficult upbringing, coming to Australia from Congo as an asylum seeker when he was six years old. 

Judge Gething also considered his strong standing in the Perth African community and his remorse for his actions. 

Despite initially trying to "talk his way out of it" when first approached by police, Butshiire eventually pleaded guilty after extensive negotiations with the state which included dropping three other fraud related charges against him. 

Judge Gething noted Butshiire had plans to continue with his entrepreneurial ventures, which included event management and a clothing line, after his sentence. 

In January 2016, the 24-year-old came under fire from angry customers who paid nearly $200 a ticket to attend a "luxury" New Year's Eve boat cruise on the Swan River promoted by his former business, Privilege TRL.

Guests claimed one of the "84-foot yachts" chartered was actually a fishing boat, while the promised "gourmet canapes" were cheap sausage rolls and half-heated chicken.

Two days later on January 2, a masquerade ball run by Privilege TRL was suddenly cancelled the day before it was scheduled to take place, with the supposed venue telling Nine News Perth it was never booked for the event.  

Butshiire was also linked to a business venture targeting aspiring Perth models in April.

Afroelle Modelling promoted a modelling competition for Perth women of African heritage. 

It listed South African Airways as one of its major four sponsors, but the airline later confirmed to WAtoday it had no affiliation with the competition.

WAtoday was unable to find reference to the business on Tuesday following Butshiire's sentencing. 

Mr Butshiire played as a striker for the Perth Glory youth team from 2009 to 2010,  before playing for a variety of Hungarian, French, Chinese and Australian teams for the past four years - including Altona Magic SC, Cockburn City SC, Bayswater SC and most recently Inglewood United.  

Mr Hall played as a defender for the Perth Glory youth team from 2008 to 2009.